Trend task
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Approach: Team Level: Year 4 
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Focus: Cultural customs and traditions
Resources: 2 sets of 6 Tonga cards; 2 sets of 6 New Zealand cards; 1 A4 recording sheet;
2 A3 answer sheets; 2 instruction cards
I’m going to give you two sets of cards. The pictures in one set of cards were taken in a little country called Tonga. The pictures in the other set of cards were taken in New Zealand.

Have a good look at the two sets of cards and talk about what is happening.

You can do that now.
Give the two sets of cards (in correct order) to the students, and allow time.

Now I want you to think about what is happening, and why it is happening.

Some of the things that are happening are the same in Tonga and New Zealand. Some of the things that are happening are different.

On your answer sheet, I want you to write down the things that are the same, and the things that are different.

You can work in pairs. Students 1 and 2 can work together, and Students 3 and 4 can work together.

Here is an instruction card to remind you what to do.
Show and read the instruction card. Give each pair the cards and answer sheet. Allow time.

Now I want all of you to work together. Tell each other what you have on your lists. Decide on the main things that are the same and the main things that are different. Afterwards I will ask you to tell me what you have decided.
Allow time.

To finish off, I am going to ask you to tell me what you decided, and I will write your answers onto one sheet.
What are the things that were the same for Tonga and New Zealand?
Record students’ responses.
Instruction card
1. Write down the things that are the same between the birthdays in Tonga and New Zealand
2. Write down the things that are different about the birthdays in Tonga and New Zealand

% responses
2005 (01)
Things that were the same:
both have special celebrations for birthdays/parties
38 (42)
both involve quite large gatherings of people
8 (7)
both involve obtaining/preparing/ cooking special food
43 (42)
both involve several people helping with preparations/getting ready
21 (30)
both involve eating/enjoying special food/ food looks yummy
58 (52)
both involve some cooking outdoors/over a fire
13 (3)
both involve going somewhere else for the party
11 (18)
both involve outdoor activities
10 (12)
both involve invited groups (not explicity stated)
41 (28)
What are the things that were different between Tonga and New Zealand?
Record students’ responses.
Things that were different:
explicit mention of invitation for NZ birthday
23 (23)
most of food for NZ birthday bought in shop, probably not true in Tonga
49 (47)
different food for two parties
48 (45)
specially built and decorated table (pola) in Tonga / normal dinner table in NZ
33 (35)
food put on banana leaves in Tonga
33 (37)
food eaten on paper/plastic plates in NZ
7 (8)
lots of adults involved in party in Tonga, only immediate family in NZ
8 (10)
lots of adults involved in food preparation in Tonga, only immediate family in NZ
5 (5)
table (pola) with food taken to party on back of truck in Tonga
26 (22)
party at beach in NZ, not in Tonga/at different places
40 (25)
no mention of cakes/candles in Tonga
49 (35)
Tonga has more decorations
12 (13)
food is cooked underground in Tonga
8 (10)
Total score:
5 (3)
10 (7)
17 (18)
38 (32)
23 (32)
7 (8)
The year 4 teams were able to identify similarities and differences between birthdays in the two cultures but, on average, only identified two to three of the similarities and three to four of the differences. There was little change in performance between 2001 and 2005.
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