:Earthquake Disaster (Y4)
Trend task
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Approach: Team Level: Year 4   
Focus: Identifying and responding to community crises
Resources: Video recording on laptop computer, answer sheet

This activity uses the computer.
This activity is about a disaster caused by an earthquake. We’ll start by watching a short video which shows what happens during an earthquake.
Click the Earthquake Disaster button.
The video will start.
- [Same video and script as for Year 8.]

The video showed a terrible earthquake. When a disaster like this happens, there are lots of problems.

I want your team to make a list of the biggest problems there would be. Alongside each problem, write down the best people to help with the problem.

Everyone in your team should help. You can take turns at writing down your ideas. Here is an answer sheet for writing your list of problems, and the people who would be best to help with each problem.

Hand out Team answer sheet.
Allow time.

To finish this activity, I want you to tell me what you said would be the biggest problems, and who would be the best people to help with each problem. You can take turns at telling me what is on your answer sheet.

If the wording on the students’ written record needs to be clarified to better represent what they say, offer to make changes to their answer sheet.

% responses
2005 (01)
Main areas used in marking:

• harm to people
• damage to essential services
• ongoing risks (e.g. fire, disease, pollution)
• reconstruction needs

First problem – appropriateness of people to help:
62 (55)
26 (28)
any other response
12 (17)
Second problem – appropriateness of people to help:
56 (30)
23 (40)
any other response
21 (30)
Third problem – appropriateness of people to help:
47 (22)
28 (36)
any other response
25 (42)
Fourth problem – appropriateness of people to help:
41 (27)
24 (25)
any other response
35 (48)
Fifth problem – appropriateness of people to help:
35 (22)
27 (6)
any other response
38 (72)
Sixth problem – appropriateness of people to help:
31 (5)
22 (10)
any other response
47 (85)
Seventh problem – appropriateness of people to help:
25 (10)
25 (8)
any other response
50 (82)
Identification of problems - overall
4 main areas
41 (13)
3 main areas
41 (45)
2 main areas
16 (37)
1 main area
1 (5)
0 main areas
1 (0)
Total score:
14 (0)
28 (10)
26 (13)
15 (34)
15 (30)
2 (13)
The results show a huge increase in scores between 2001 and 2005, mainly because the 2001 students gave much less complete answers (listing fewer problems that the 2005 students). The NEMP directors believe that this may have occurred because the task was scheduled first in a one-hour assessment session in 2005 but last in a corresponding session in 2001. Students and their administrators probably rushed through the task in 2001. Because of concerns about the comparability of these results, they are excluded from the trend analysis.
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