The assessments
included six tasks which allowed students to demonstrate their knowledge
and understanding about the make-up and operation of technological devices.
One task also asked students to look at historical changes in technology
and their effects on lifestyle.
Four of the tasks
were the same for year 4 and year 8 students. One task was given only
to year 4 students and one task only to year 8 students.
Two of the tasks
are link tasks (tasks which will be used again in the year 2000 and therefore
are not described in detail here). One of these was attempted only by
year 8 students, the other was attempted by both year 4 and year 8 students.
The remaining four tasks are released tasks, described fully here.
This chapter presents the tasks
and results in the following order:
- three released tasks attempted
by both year 4 and year 8 students;
- a released task attempted
only by year 4 students;
the two link
Averaged across all task components
which were common to year 4 and year 8 students and which asked students
to explain technological features, 20 percent of year 4 and 35 percent
of year 8 students gave responses which were rated as strong. It is not
surprising to note that students had greater success reporting observations
and factual knowledge than giving good explanations for design features
and processes.