assessments included three tasks which related to the use of computers.
These task sample some skills involved in using computers. Other computer
skills will be sampled each year as part of the national monitoring programme,
in a wide variety of curriculum areas. For instance, computer use will
be included in the 1997 assessments of mathematics, information skills
and social studies.
All three tasks
were administered to both year 4 and year 8 students. The first two tasks
presented here are released tasks, for which full details are given.
The third task is a link task (to be used again in the year 2000), and
therefore is not described in detail here).
The results show
that most Year 4 and year 8 students were able to use the computers effectively
to complete simple tasks. It should be noted that this result was obtained
after students completed an exercise which allowed them to practise standard
procedures required to use the Macintosh Powerbook computers. The success
rate was consistently higher for year 8 students than for year 4 students,
but not by a large margin. |