Chapter Graphic : Talking Text
Trend task
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  Level: Year 8
Approach: One to one
Focus: Following instructions to use a computer.
Resources: Computer program on laptop computer, instruction booklet.

Questions / instructions:
Give the student the instruction booklet called "Talking Text". Tell them to follow the instructions in the booklet, using the pictures to help. Offer to assist with reading words in the instruction booklet. On the recording sheet describe any help given. Only give help when necessary, and after the student has already attempted to do what is required.

% responses
2000 ('96)
% responses
2000 ('96)
Instructions completed without help: 94 (94)  
quitting program
96 (97)
waking up from sleep
(starting up)
opening file
95 (92)  
don't save
96 (95)
typing details
87 (77)  
clicking on yellow smile symbol (1996, shutting down)
93 (92)
getting computer to speak
97 (87)  
Because of a new software configuration two of the seven components were changed between 1996 and 2000. The replacement tasks were of comparable difficulty. The 2000 students were more successful than the 1996 students at typing words into the computer and getting the computer to speak those words. On all other task components, students enjoyed similar high success in both years.
Chapter Graphic
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