Questions / instructions:
In this writing activity you will be
working in pairs.
A1 [name] and A2 [name] will work together, and A3 [name] and A4 [name] will work
Hand each pair a copy of the photograph.
Here is a photograph from the newspaper. It is about a fire. The two people in
the photo are a fireman and a detective.
Write a really interesting conversation between the two people. You will need
to show which person is speaking alongside what they are saying.
I will give you five minutes to do this. Then you can share what you have written
with the other pair. They can give you some helpful ideas about your work.
Give the students the paper and
blue pens. Allow 5 mins.
Read your ideas to the group. As you do this, one of you can be the fireman and
the other can be the detective. While one pair is reading out their work, the
other pair should think of some ideas to help them make their work more interesting.
Allow time
Now see if you can suggest ways that the other pair's work could be improved.
Allow time
Now go back to your pairs and work on your writing for another five minutes. Think
about the helpful ideas you got from the other pair and add any other words or
punctuation that will make your work even better.
Write your changes using the red ballpoint pen.
Give students red pens and take in the blue pens. Stop the students after 5