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The Wishing Ring / Exemplars
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The eagle flew away. I was standing in the middle of the forest holding the ring. I thought to myself, 'What should I wish for??' I will save this wishing ring until I know exactly what I want. A week passed. I still had no idea what to wish for. Then it came to me in the middle of the night. I would wish for world peace and happiness. I got up to go and look for the ring. I checked my top draw where I last left it. My heart stopped. It wasn't there! I frantically searched my whole house till 5am the next morning. I sat down and cried. I still hadn't found it anywhere. I cried out aloud 'Oh I wish I had the ring on my finger right now!' I felt something cold on my finger. I looked down. The ring! I had found it! Now I can make my wish! 'I wish for world peace and happiness!' nothing happened. I went outside. I saw people fighting. It hadn't worked! I had wasted my wish on nothing! I learnt my lesson, not to be so clumsy and forgetful. (year 8) | As the bird flew away the man had a smile on his face saying how pleased he was. As time went by the man had a wish and knew what to say I wish that I will live in a flash house and that I will live happy with my family. As time went by again and again his wish had finally came true, but wait! there was something missing, some-thing inside him was really hurt and knew that he wanted it badley. His family gone and he was never as happy as he was befour. The man went back to the woods and yelled out bird! bird! have you ring back it not worth anything. So after he said what he wanted to say he ran off cry his heart loud. But at least he still had his home and the forest. THE END! (year 8) | |
The man went home and thought about the wish. He came up with I wish I had a better job and I wish I had good clothes. But the best one he came up with was I wish I could talk to animals. He put the ring on. Wished and the ring suddenly turned prown and ended up as ashes on the ground. He went out side and asked the donkey to plow the field and it did. He got animals to do all his jobs and all he did was sit back and rest. one day the cheif animal said you have taken advantage of us. making us work you must pay. before the farmer could get his gun the birds had pecked out his eyes and the horse was plowing him into the ground. Then the which came and took all his riches. She left with a Te he he he. (year 8) | Then the man togthe cefally[carefully] and Then he wishte. I wish I wish this ring wode mack more wishs fo me. Thi[e]n a voies[voice] side your wish has come true. Then he wish more. I wish I wish I was rich. your wish has come true. One day the man was so rich that his howse[house] was foll of gold. Then one day the ring wasent gold. It was withe[white]. That ment the strath[strength] was gon ther was onle 1 wish left. So if you see a withe[white] ring make a wish. The end. (year 4) | |
after the eagle flew away. The farmer went home wondering what he could wish for.
When he got back he thought of somthink "The golden touch" he said.
So he close his eyes and made his wish. The next morning the famer woke and went into town. He brought a watermallon but it turn to gold. He help a little girl up when she fell over and she turn to gold. The famer thought "what have I done". The famer ran as fast as he could before the crowd had seen what he a done. Now people say he tured him salfint gold and others say he died. The morlle of the story is think cafaly before you make a wish you never know it might come ture. (year 4) |
He throught hard, two day had gone past and he still couldn't think of what to wish for. The farmer was very clever so he didn't just wish for anything. He throught and he throught but he still couldn't think of what to wish for. Then a week later it hit him he would wish to have good luck for the rest of his living days. As soon as he had made his wish there came a knock on his cottage door, he opened his door and there on his door step was a brown bag a seed and a note that said. IN THE BROWN BAG IS SOME MAGIC DUST SPRINKLE IT ON YOUR DOOR STEP AND PLANT THE MAGIC BEAN. (year 8) | |
The farmer watched the eagle's dark, large shape glide away, and picked up the ring. The stone set in the ring glowed enigmatically. The farmer smiled shrewdly and whispered: "I want to have 3 more wishes". Suddenly, a dark spirit with wings came down from the sky, red eyes flashing angrily. "You have a greedy mind," it said in a firm tone. "If you are shameless enough to us this wish now, you will use it for your last wish again and again. You shall be punished for your greedy conspiracy." The spirit aimed a strike of lightning at the farmer. The farmer turned into a cockroach and scuttered away. The spirit vanished. Had the farmer been less greedy, he would have turned into a leader. (year 8) | After 2 days the farmer returned home to his huht in the forest. he thorgt hard about his wish and finally he made his wish and it came true, his wish was to Be the richest Man in the world! the next day he woke up in a butiful, glitering gold manchen!!! He ran around the manchen and looked in all the rooms, and in one room he saw a Big Pile of gold right infront of him. He Pulled The ring out of his pocket and kissed the ring. The end. (year 4) |
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