Chapter Graphic : Talk Time
Trend task
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  Level: Year 4
Approach: Team
Focus: Giving an interesting talk on a topic.
Resources: Set of topic cards, egg timer.

Questions / instructions:
This activity is called Talk Time. I will give each of you 3 cards with talk titles written on them. Choose the one you would like to talk about to the others. When it's your turn to give a talk, try to give the most interesting talk you can think of. Try to keep the others in the team really interested in what you are saying to them.

I would like each person to talk for as long as you can, but no more than 3 minutes. We have an egg timer here to let us see when 3 minutes are up.

Here are your cards. Look at them and choose one card to talk about.

Shuffle the cards. Give each student cards. Tell them the order they will speak, then ask the first student to start. Get them to read the words on the card out loud before they begin talking.

% responses
2000 ('96)
A really good TV programme.
The home I would like to live in.
If I had a wish that could come true.
Me and my family.
TV adverts.
My best times at school.
Looking after pets.
Me and my friends.
One of the best things I've ever done.
How to make a delicious sandwich.
Going on holidays.
The things I like to do.
Relevance of content to topic
44 (32)
40 (48)
16 (20)
Coherence of presentation
does it hang together?
29 (17)
46 (56)
25 (27)
Degree of interest stimulated
23 (13)
46 (56)
31 (31)
Speech clarity
49 (50)
38 (40)
13 (10)
Total score:
7 – 8
28 (17)
5 – 6
28 (28)
3 – 4
21 (32)
0 – 2
23 (23)
About half of the year 4 students were judged to speak clearly and select relevant material, but only about a quarter of the students managed coherent and/or interesting talks. About 10 percent more students succeeded well in 2000 than in 1996. The year 8 task, Talk Topics used the same procedures but different topics.
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