Chapter Graphic :Non - Book Reading Passages
Band 0
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Non - Book Band 0
Title: The Cat in the Hat (Cassette Tape Cover),
Author: Dr. Seuss, Publisher: Collins.


This short piece of writing is from the jacket of a cassette tape of some Dr Seuss stories, including The Cat in the Hat.


The Cat in the Hat is a tape you will like.

There are four stories on this tape.

The first story is "The Cat in the Hat," then there is "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back."

The other two stories are "Fox in Socks" and "Green Eggs and Ham." The stories are told in a way that makes them fun.

And the music will get your feet tapping.

The tape is for all ages.

Young people and older will enjoy hearing it.

The tape is 45 minutes long.

[NEMP modified text]

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