:Olivia (Y4)
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4  
Focus: Choice of living environment 
Resources: Photo of Korean child; recording book
Put photo in front of student.

This girl’s name is Olivia. Olivia and her family have just come from a country called Korea to live in New Zealand.

Try to tell me three good reasons why Olivia’s family might want to come and live in New Zealand.

Record responses.

% responses
2005 (01)
List of reasons:
(percentage = chosen as one of three reasons)

human relations (e.g. friendly people)

28 (23)
family/friends here
19 (26)
education reasons
26 (25)
health/welfare reasons/safer/ security/pace of life
51 (52)
employment reasons
6 (10)
financial reasons
5 (6)
housing reasons
4 (7)
environmental reasons (aesthetic)
38 (47)
other valid reason (e.g. less crowded, new culture)
50 (43)
Overall strength of set of reasons:
very strong
19 (23)
quite strong
46 (52)
rather weak
29 (21)
no worthwhile reason
6 (4)
Total score:
19 (23)
46 (52)
29 (21)
6 (4)
The most common categories of reasons given were health/welfare issues and a more pleasant living environment. There was a small decline in performance between 2001 and 2005.
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