Chapter Graphic : Puppet Make-Up
Trend task
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  Level: Year 4 and year 8
Approach: One to one
Focus: Investigating and describing how a hand puppet has been designed and assembled.
Resources: Parrot hand puppet.

Questions / instructions:
Here is a puppet that someone has made. Have a good look at it to see how it has been made.

Give the puppet to the student. Encourage them to have a good look at it and how it has been made, without suggesting any clues.

Now I would like you to explain to me how somebody went about making this. Try to describe all of the things they would do — starting from before they actually began to make the puppet — then the things they did as they were making it.

% responses
2000 ('96)
mentioned conceiving idea/mental image
13 (23)
26 (35)
mentioned developing or finding appropriate pattern
13 (16)
33 (37)
Selection of materials
mentioned required materials:
7 or more
19 (10)
36 (13)
4 – 6
65 (70)
54 (57)
1 – 3
15 (19)
9 (27)
did not mention materials
1 (1)
1 (2)
discussed important characteristics of materials; other than colour
13 (10)
28 (8)
Preparing components to fit design
cutting, shaping, painting
detailed description:
all steps
0 (0)
3 (2)
some steps
9 (4)
23 (7)
some basic detail
25 (24)
35 (34)
vague outline
45 (52)
33 (45)
21 (20)
6 (12)
Joining components
detailed full description
0 (0)
4 (1)
covered some steps, omitted others
11 (10)
30 (11)
some basic detail
28 (20)
39 (39)
vague outline
49 (58)
25 (45)
12 (12)
2 (4)
mentioned hinging for mouth mechanism
8 (14)
18 (4)
Total score:
11 – 15
1 (1)
11 (1)
8 – 10
12 (9)
33 (17)
5 – 7
41 (46)
39 (47)
0 – 4
46 (44)
17 (35)
About 30 percent more year 8 than year 4 students performed quite well on this task. Year 4 students performed similarly in 1996 and 2000, but about 25 percent more year 8 students performed quite well in 2000 than in 1996.
Chapter Graphic
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