: Parts of Speech
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
access task
Focus: Parts of speech
Resources: Sentence card


In this activity we are going to look at some of the words in a sentence. I’ll read the sentence to you.

Read and show sentence card to the student.

% responses
2006 ('02)

Point to “monster”.
1. This word “monster” is a noun.
What do you think a noun is?

naming word or equivalent
38 (37) 72 (66)
Point to “climbed”.
2. This word “climbed” is a verb. What do you think a verb is?
action/doing word or equivalent
57 (52) 91 (77)
Point to “scary”.
3. This word “scary” is an adjective.
What do you think an adjective is?
describing word or equivalent
45 (33) 76 (60)
Total score:
24 (15) 58 (47)
24 (22) 28 (22)
19 (33) 9 (18)
33 (30) 5 (13)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

Students were more knowledgeable about the function of verbs than the functions of nouns and adjectives. Boys and girls performed comparably, but Mäori students and year 8 Pasifika students scored lower than their Pakeha counterparts. There were small improvements at both year levels between 2002 and 2006.
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