Eye Catcher
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8
access task
Focus: Students can describe the elements of a painting and their responses to the painting
Resources: Picture

Place the picture before student.

This is a picture by a New Zealand artist called Stanley Palmer.
Have a good look at it, then we’ll talk about it.

% responses
2007 ('03)
1. If you could be in this picture, where would you want to be?
2. Why would you want to be there?
(Or, if student wouldn’t want to be in the picture: Why wouldn’t you want to be there?)
Student identified with or responded to the picture:
(positively or negatively)
20 (13)
30 (20)
72 (78)
65 (72)
3. What did you notice first when you looked at the picture?
4. What has the artist done so that you noticed this first?
Quality of explanation:
(red ribbon, hat, person in foreground, trees tilted from wind, little use of bright colours)
20 (18)
36 (30)
moderately well
59 (64)
56 (64)
21 (18)
8 (6)
5. Where did your eyes move to on the picture after you noticed that?
6. Why do you think your eyes moved around the picture like that?
Quality of explanation:

9 (6)
21 (23)
moderately well
49 (46)
57 (43)
42 (49)
22 (34)
7. How has the artist made some things look close up, and some things look further away?
Quality of explanation:
(relative size of similar objects (e.g. trees), stronger colours close up, apparent high vantage point)

12 (8)
22 (22)
moderately well
(e.g. further away things smaller)
56 (63)
63 (57)
33 (29)
15 (21)
8. What sort of feeling do you have about this place?
9. What has the artist done to give you that sort of feeling?
Quality of explanation:

14 (12)
34 (32)
moderately well
51 (49)
47 (45)
36 (40)
20 (23)
Total score:
3 (3)
12 (12)
13 (6)
27 (19)
28 (31)
32 (31)
37 (38)
23 (28)
18 (22)
6 (11)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

Students were fairly successful in responding to this work of art. They were able to express their reactions to the painting and why they had those reactions. There was substantial growth in these abilities from year 4 to year 8. Gender differences were fairly small on this task, but Pasifika and Mäori students did not express themselves as extensively as Pakeha students at year 4. There was moderate improvement on this task in 2007 from 2003 for year 8 students.
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