responses |
y4 |
y8 |
table format used (6 cells, in 3 by 2 arrangement) |
15 (12) |
35 (29) |
Labelled rows/columns
for: |
big and small |
22 (16) |
39 (36) |
red, blue and yellow |
28 (15) |
43 (38) |
Six numbers, all correct,
formatted as: |
digits |
25 (20) |
38 (23) |
tallies or dots |
8 (5) |
21 (18) |
score: |
5 |
8 (5) |
18 (16) |
4 |
4 (4) |
11 (8) |
3 |
8 (7) |
12 (6) |
2 |
13 (9) |
16 (11) |
0–1 |
66 (75) |
43 (58) |
Subgroup Analysis [Click on charts to enlarge] : |
Commentary: |
Children at both year 4 and year 8 had difficulty with this task, although there was considerable growth from year 4 to year 8. Many recorded the information but not in an efficient table. There was a little improvement from 2003 to 2007 at year 8 level. Pakeha and Mäori students performed comparably, with Pasifika students a little lower, on average. |