Personal Health...
 : School Lunches  
Approach:  Team

Resources: Ideas answer sheet, 2 menu sheets, set of 24 food labels, red pen.

Food Labels

Questions / instructions:

Let's imagine that your class is going on two school outings next week.

On Tuesday you are going to be very active playing sport. All students will be doing a lot of physical activity all day and using a lot of energy.

On Thursday the class is going to the Museum. There will be very little physical acitivity, and students won't be using much physical energy.

Your group has the task of planning two different lunches - one for Tuesday and one for Thursday. They need to be lunches that would be suitable for each occasion. You need to think about the things that will effect your choice of foods. I want you to discuss that now, write your ideas on the ideas sheet, then tell me the things you have decided when you are ready.

Give students the ideas sheet.
Allow time for discussion and recording of ideas.

Now tell me the things that will effect your choice of foods.



bread roll flavoured milk
pizza muesli bar
meat pie salad
potato chips fish & chips
yoghurt hamburger
biscuits sandwiches
chicken sausages
cake nuts
cheese slices salad roll
chocolate bars pottle of rice & vegetables
apple baked potato with corn
banana breadfruit

Listen to student responses.
Now I'm going to give you some labels with names of foods, and I want you to choose foods that would make suitable lunches for each of the two days. All of the foods are available for both days, and you can choose up to five things for each day. All of the people in your group should help to decide. Once you have decided the foods, tick the boxes on the menu pages to show which ones you chose.

Point to the menu sheets.
As you are planning the lunches, remember to think about what would make a good lunch for each day. After you have ticked the foods, write down the reasons why you think these foods would make a suitable lunch for the days when students will have them. You have about 5 minutes to do this, and you can start now.

Give students the food labels and menu sheets.
Allow about 5 minutes.

  % responses

Nutritional balance:

good balance & reasons
good balance without reasons
partially balanced
not balanced


Matching energy needs:

well matched & reasons
well matched without reasons
slightly matched
not matched


Nutritional balance:

good balance & reasons
good balance without reasons
partially balanced
not balanced


Matching energy needs:

well matched & reasons
well matched without reasons
slightly matched
not matched

The year 8 student teams were better able to choose a menu for a high energy day than for a more sedentary day. In a final stage of this task, not shown above, the teams were asked to use a food pyramid (see Healthy Food ) to help them revise their menus. When the revised menus were assessed on the same marking criteria, it was found that on average the menus had not improved.


[ top of the page | Health and Physcial Education Report 1998 ]