: Foot Balance
Trend task
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Approach: Open space Level: Year 4 and year 8 
access task
Focus: Balance
Resources: Small hoop

1. Balance on left foot for 10 seconds.

2. Balance on right foot for 10 seconds.

3. Balance on one foot then

• bend down and pick up the hoop
• straighten up
• hold your balance for five seconds.


foot balance

% responses
2006 ('02)

Left foot balance:

full period, steady
76 (81)
90 (90)
full period, unsteady
11 (12)
7 (6)
other foot down once
11 (7)
3 (1)
less control
2 (0)
0 (3)
Right foot balance:
full period, steady
78 (80)
89 (89)
full period, unsteady
14 (14)
6 (6)
other foot down once
6 (6)
5 (3)
less control
2 (0)
0 (2)
Balance and pick up hoop:
completed, very steady
65 (60)
79 (82)
completed, unsteady
21 (20)
16 (12)
other foot or hand down once
12 (16)
5 (3)
less control
2 (4)
0 (3)
Total score:
50 (49)
68 (75)
16 (16)
16 (9)
15 (17)
10 (7)
19 (18)
6 (9)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

Most students performed well on this task, with little change from 2002 to 2006.
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