responses 2006 ('02) |
y4 |
knees bent (90+ degrees) during recovery |
61 (49) |
59 (55) |
arms bent, moved in opposition to legs |
80 (85) |
85 (78) |
slight forward lean, landed on balls of feet |
54 (56) |
53 (57) |
Time taken to complete run: |
less than 8.0 secs |
2 (3) |
6 (4) |
8.0 -12.0 secs |
88 (85) |
87 (91) |
12.1 - 16.0 secs |
10 (12) |
6 (5) |
longer, or not completed |
0 (0) |
1 (0) |
score: |
5–6 |
38 (35) |
40 (37) |
4 |
26 (25) |
31 (25) |
3 |
22 (28) |
18 (26) |
0–2 |
14 (12) |
11 (12) |
Subgroup Analysis: |
Year 4 |
Year 8 |
Commentary: |
Most students ran competently and quite quickly. There was little difference between year 4 and year 8 students. Boys scored higher than girls but there were only very small ethnic differences. There was little change from 2002 to 2006. |