: Agree or Disagree (Y4)
Trend task
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Approach: Team Level: Year 4 
Focus: Stereotypes
Resources: 5 picture cards with statements, “Agree/Don’t Agree” chart, teacher recording sheet, “Working Together” card


Show and explain Working Together card.

Place pile of cards, upside down, on the table, with “Agree/Don’t Agree” chart.

For this activity, we have five cards. Each card says something that you may or may not agree with. We’ll look at one card at a time.

Show card number 8.
Here is the first one. It says “All New Zealanders should learn to speak Mäori.” Now (Student 1’s name), tell us if you agree or disagree with what this card says and try to tell us why you agree or disagree.

Repeat last statement for Student 2 to Student 4, so all students state their views.
I’ve listened to what each of you has said. Now it’s my turn to make up my mind. I agree that all New Zealanders should learn to speak Mäori. I’ll put the card on the chart to show that I agree.

Place card on “Agree” side of chart.
Now I’ll tell you why I agree. I agree because Mäori is a language that is special to New Zealand, so I think that we should all learn to use it.

worrking together

[Click on cards to enlarge.]


** Now it is (Student 1’s name) turn to take a card from the top of the pile. Tell all of us what is on the card, and show us the picture.
Student 1 reads card and shows picture.
Taking turns, each person is to say whether they agree or disagree. They also try to tell us why they agree or disagree.

Students 2 to 4 make their statements.
Now it is (Student 1’s name) turn to decide. Tell us if you agree or disagree, and put the card on the chart.
Student responds.
Now tell us why you agree or disagree.

Repeat the above steps (from ** ) with students 2, 3 and 4.
[Click on cards below to enlarge.]

% responses
2006 ('02)
Card 1: It’s OK for men to cry  
crying man
Final decision:
96 (90)
3 (10)
neither agree nor disagree
1 (0)
How well was the case for that decision made?

extremely/very well
0 (2)
13 (14)
moderately well
58 (51)
29 (33)
Card 2: Girls can be as good as boys at playing rugby
rugby girl
Final decision:
90 (81)
8 (16)
neither agree nor disagree
2 (3)
How well was the case for that decision made?
extremely/very well
2 (2)
20 (13)
moderately well
41 (47)
37 (38)
Card 3: Women rather than men should do the cooking and housework
women in kitchen
Final decision:
21 (31)
74 (67)
neither agree nor disagree
5 (2)
How well was the case for that decision made?
extremely/very well
0 (2)
18 (7)
moderately well
39 (63)
43 (28)
Card 4: Children in wheelchairs should have their own schools
wheelchair boy
Final decision:
51 (59)
46 (36)
neither agree nor disagree
3 (5)
How well was the case for that decision made?
extremely/very well
4 (2)
19 (14)
moderately well
52 (50)
25 (34)

Total score:
6 (6)
15 (6)
27 (30)
35 (42)
17 (16)
This task was an abbreviated version of the year 8 task (Agree or Disagree (Y8). The total score was based on the reasons for choices, not the choices themselves. It is noteworthy that more than half of the year 4 students thought children in wheelchairs should have their own schools. Responses to the other questions showed reduced gender stereotyping between 2002 and 2006. Subgroup graphs are not included because this was a team task.
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