:Kiwi Questions
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Developing questions on a topic.     
Resources: 2 pictures of kiwi, recording book.  

Questions / instructions:

Hand student pictures of kiwi.

Here is a picture of a kiwi and an x-ray of a kiwi.

If you were going to give a talk to your class about the x-ray picture, you would need to have good information.

What are 3 really useful questions you could ask an expert on kiwis, so that you would have good information for a talk about the x-ray picture?

I’ll write down your questions for you.

Record student responses. After the 3 things have been written, say:

I’ll read out what I’ve written down. If there is anything you want to change, tell me and I’ll write it down.

% responses
2000 ('97)
First question:
clear question about kiwis
related to x-ray
50 (55)
66 (73)
not related to x-ray
41 (31)
31 (21)
Second question:
clear question about kiwis
related to x-ray
47 (46)
57 (61)
not related to x-ray
44 (36)
37 (36)
Third question:
clear question about kiwis
related to x-ray
36 (38)
48 (53)
not related to x-ray
51 (40)
42 (39)
How much useful information are the questions likely to produce?
17 (14)
20 (20)
a moderate amount
40 (41)
45 (49)
just 3 specific facts
32 (25)
28 (28)
less than that
11 (20)
7 (3)
Total score:
20 (27)
28 (33)
36 (28)
41 (43)
33 (24)
25 (20)
3 (7)
4 (2)
8 (14)
2 (2)
About 10 percent more year 8 than year 4 students succeeded well with this task. Compared to four years earlier, year 8 students did a little worse while year 4 students did as well on average but with fewer high or low scores.
Chapter Graphic
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