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Approach:  Team
Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Comparing and summarising information to inform decision-making  
Video recording on laptop computer, picture
This activity uses the computer.

The principal of East Bay School has made a new rule. The rule is that students must wear shoes when they are outside. You are going to watch a video that shows how different people at the school feel about this new rule. After you have watched the video you will have time to decide whether or not you think the rule is a good one, and why. Later you will have the chance to talk to the other people in your team about your ideas.


1. Parent
My child is always losing her shoes out in the playground. I am tired of searching for them after school. If she had to leave her shoes on when she was outside, this would not happen. I like the principal’s new rule.
2. Tui
I asked all the kids in my class and only one person has hurt his feet in the playground this year. I don’t think it’s fair that all of us have to wear shoes just because one or two people get hurt. We should be able to choose whether or not we wear shoes. I do not like the principal’s new rule.
3. Secretary
I spend a lot of my time looking after children who have stubbed toes and bee stings on their feet. These accidents would not happen if students had to wear shoes outside. I think that the principal’s new rule is a good one.
4. Teacher
The new rule is going to be difficult. Many of the children in my class wear jandals or shoes with thick soles to school. It is not safe for them to do fitness and sports in this footwear so I ask them to take off their shoes. The principal’s new rule means that I cannot ask them to do this anymore. Now these children will not be able to do fitness or play some sports .
5. Richard
My favourite lunchtime game is having running races on the field with my friends. I can’t run as fast with shoes on. I do not like the principal’s new rule.
6. Principal
It is my job to make sure that the children at this school are kept safe. Too many kids are getting hurt because they do not wear shoes outside. This is why I made up the rule that says that children at East Bay School must wear shoes outside.

Click the Shoes button.
[Stills in picture taken from video.]

Each of you is going to think about whether the principal’s new rule is a good one. After that, you will tell the team what you think.Think about it on your own for a minute.

Hand students the picture. [Click on graphic to enlarge.] Allow time.

Now each of you is going to explain to your team whether or not you think the principal’s rule is a good one and why.

Allow students time to share their opinions.

You have listened to each other’s views. Now try to agree together so that you have a team opinion about the principal’s rule – an opinion you all support.

Allow time for the team to reach a shared opinion.

1. To finish off, I want one person in the team to tell me what you have decided about the principal’s rule.

2. What are your reasons for reaching this decision? Take turns to tell me why your team made this decision.

% responses
2009 ('05)
Agreed with principal:
18 (18)
16 (18)
37 (39)
59 (55)
bit of both
45 (44)
25 (26)
Justification of response:
15 (19)
19 (20)
somewhat justified
73 (75)
64 (72)
weak or no response
12 (5)
17 (7)
Incorporated ideas from video:
several ideas incorporated well
4 (4)
6 (6)
several ideas but not linked
16 (9)
10 (16)
one or two ideas
60 (67)
58 (69)

Total score:
4 (2)
4 (6)
5 (2)
8 (7)
17 (25)
14 (17)
50 (53)
44 (56)
25 (19)
31 (13)
Children at both year 4 and year 8 held strong opinions on the issue of a new rule requiring students to wear shoes outside, and only about one team in six agreed with the principal’s decision. Students at both years presented somewhat well-justified opinions, with very little improvement from year 4 to year 8. Year 8 student performance declined slightly between 2005 and 2009.