:Book Cover
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
access task
Focus: Evaluating visual design features
Resources: 2 book covers


Place first version of book cover in front of student.

This cover shows the first try at making a cover for a book. The book is about a special bike race.

Book 1

Place second version of book cover in front of student.

They worked on the cover, and this is the one they chose to use. The people who designed this cover have used some interesting techniques to make it look right for this particular book.

Tell me all of the things they have done to make this a good cover for this book.
cover 2

% responses
2006 ('02)
Things specific to the bike race:
use of cogs/chain/mechanical parts of bike
29 (27)
40 (40)
picture interpreted as image of tyre/wheel
19 (24)
20 (26)
blurred picture of speed
16 (28)
16 (35)
flames/colours to suggest speed
33 (24)
41 (30)
flames/colours to suggest heat of racing hard
2 (2)
3 (5)
Other things:

more pictures
28 (22)
36 (26)
pictures are stronger/larger
8 (9)
14 (10)
placement of main picture in centre
4 (1)
3 (1)
colour - bright/lively/eye-catching
45 (39)
66 (57)
back of cover more interesting
4 (2)
6 (2)
interesting lettering
23 (25)
25 (42)
interesting pictures
23 (27)
21 (28)
fun/play on words; title relating to theme or pictures
(tandem, double fast, etc.)
12 (7)
13 (8)
technical jargon and processes used in publication
(border, inset, background, images; scanning)
10 (17)
14 (25)
Total score:
3 (5)
5 (9)
19 (17)
35 (36)
56 (54)
51 (44)
23 (24)
10 (11)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

In this task students were asked to analyse improvements to a book cover. There were no gender differences in either year 4 or year 8. In year 4 there were minor differences among the Pakeha, Mäori, and Pasifika students. In year 8, the Pakeha students performed slightly better than the Mäori and Pasifika students. There was little change at either year level from 2002 to 2006.
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