: Storm-Fish
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
access task
Focus: Thinking critically about advertising
Resources: Picture


Show picture.

Look carefully at this advertisement for Storm watches.
It gives us a special message about the watches.
This message says: “Go your own way”.

Point to the words “Go your own way”.

Storm fish poster

% responses
2006 ('02)
1. What do you think they mean when they say “Go your own way”?
don’t follow the crowd/make your own decisions
45 (50)
66 (69)
buy this watch
3 (6)
16 (23)
2. How do you think they use the pictures to show the message, “Go your own way”?
prompt: Is there anything else?
blue fish swimming in opposite direction to orange fish
89 (83)
94 (90)
3. What has this message, “Go your own way”, got to do with watches?
this is a special/different sort of watch
6 (12)
31 (35)
be adventurous and buy this watch
4 (7)
14 (24)
Total score:
1 (2)
11 (19)
5 (10)
22 (28)
41 (41)
45 (28)
44 (36)
19 (20)
7 (11)
3 (5)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

This task, which required students to think critically about advertising, was challenging for year 4 students. Performances in 2006 were similar to those of 2002. There were no gender differences. In year 4, the Pakeha students performed slightly better than the Mäori or Pasifika students. In year 8, the Pakeha and Mäori students performed somewhat better than Pasifika students.
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