and Motivation
The national
monitoring assessment programme recognises the impact of attitudinal
and motivational factors on student achievement in individual assessment
tasks. Students' attitudes, interests and liking for a subject have a
strong bearing on progress and learning outcomes. Students are influenced
and shaped by the quality and style of curriculum delivery, the choice
of content and the suitability of resources. Other important factors
influencing students' achievements are the expectations and support of
significant people in their lives, the opportunities and experiences
they have in and out of school, and the extent to which they have feelings
of personal success and capability.
The national monitoring science survey sought information from students
about their curriculum preferences and their perceptions of their
achievement and potential in science. Students were also asked about
their involvement in science related activities within school and
beyond. There are numerous research questions that could be asked
when investigating student attitudes and engagement. In national
monitoring it has been necessary to focus on a few key questions
that give an overall impression of how students regard science in
relation to themselves.
Each survey
was administered in a session containing team and independent tasks.
The surveys included 16 questions that could be responded to by ticking
or circling a chosen response. Responses to these 16 questions are
summarised in the large table on the next page. Two questions required
written responses, which are summarised below.
Students were
asked to indicate their first three preferences from a list of six
class science activities. The percentages choosing each activity
as first preference and as one of the top three preferences are tabulated
below. |