Approach: Station |
electrical circuits. |
104k |
with two switches, battery and bulb; 6 wires with alligator clips. |
/ instructions:
all the instructions before you start doing this task.
In this activity you are to make a switch board work so that the
switches light up a light bulb in three different ways. Imagine
you are making a switch board to be used for a competition. Each
switch is for a different person. |
tënei mahi me hanga koe he papa hiko [switch board]
hei whakakä i te pürama [bulb] mä ngä
pana [switch] i ahu mai i ngä ara rerekë e toru.
Me whakaaro noa he whakataetae tënei. Kei te hanga papa hiko
koe hei mahi mö tëtahi whakataetae. He pana mä ia
tangata. |
responses |
GEd |
MI |
1. |
Use the wires to join one switch to the battery and the light to make
the light glow.
The light should only glow when you hold down that one switch.
Whakamahia ngä waea ki te hono i te pana kotahi
ki te pühiko me te rama, kia mumura ai [glow].
Ka mumura te rama inä pëhi iho koe i taua pana kotahi.
correctly battery, light and one switch in service |
2. |
Draw on the diagram where the wires go. You dont need to draw the
If you have trouble with the drawing, ask the teacher to help.
Tängia ki runga i te hoahoa kei whea ngä
waea. Kaua e tängia ngä rawhi [alligator clips]. Ki te
raruraru koe, pätai atu ki te kaiako hei äwhina möu.
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3. |
the competition, two people are going to help each other. You need to
join the switches to the light so it lights up when one or the other
switch is pressed.
Mö tënei mahi, ahakoa te mahi takitahi,
ka taea tonu te äwhina tëtahi i tëtahi. Me hono ngä
pana ki te rama, kia kä ai inä ka pëhia te pana ahakoa
ko tëhea.
your switch board by pressing one switch at a time.
The light should light up when you press each switch.
Whakamätauhia tö papa hiko mä te
pëhi i ia pana.
Ko te tikanga ka kä te rama i t pëhitanga i ia pana. |
two switches in parallel, together in series
with battery and bulb |
4. |
Draw on the diagram where the wires go. You dont need to draw the
clips. If you have trouble with the drawing, ask the teacher to help.
Tängia ki runga i te hoahoa kei whea ngä
waea. Kaua e tängia ngä rawhi. Ki te raruraru koe pätai
atu ki te kaiako hei äwhina i a koe. |
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Mäori students in general education (GEd) settings scored statistically
significantly higher than did Mäori students in Mäori immersion
(MI) settings. |