: He Whakaaturanga Hako — Clown Show
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Approach: One to one
Focus: Identify key information for a poster.
Resources:Clown picture, recording book.
Questions / instructions: 
Imagine a clown is going to do a show to help raise money. Here is a picture of the clown on a poster.
Hand student the picture.
I want you to think of up to 5 pieces of important information to write on the poster. It should be information that will tell people the things they need to know about the show.
Think about this and then tell me the information you will need, and I’ll write it down for you.
Prompt: If student says something like, “What’s going to happen” ask “what do you mean by that?”
Record all of the student’s ideas on the answer sheet. Use the student’s own words.
Here are the things I’ve written down for you.
Read them through.
Is there anything you want me to change?

Whakaarotia, ka whakatü whakaaturanga tëtahi hako hei kohi moni.
Anei he pikitia o tëtahi hako i runga i te pepa pänui.
Hoatu te pikitia ki te äkonga.
Whakaarohia, kia 5 ngä tino möhiohio hei tuhi i te pepa pänui. He whakaputa möhio tötika ënei ki nga tängata mö te whakaaturanga kei te tü mai.
Whakaarotia ënei, kätahi ka körero mai i aua möhiohio, hei tuhinga mäku.
He äwhina: Mehemea ka kï pënei mai te äkonga, “Tuhia ngä mahi ngähau,” me körero atu “Whakamäramahia mai ö whakaaro.”
Tuhia katoa ngä whakaaro o te äkonga ki te pepa whakautu.
Tuhia ngä kupu tonu a te äkonga.

Anei ngä mea i tuhia e au, mäu.
Kei te hiahia koe me tïni ëtahi?

% responses
Core items included:  
43 34
47 39
55 39
ticket prices
60 36
where to buy tickets
4 2
Other items included:
what funds are for
18 0
names of other performers
23 59
who show is suitable for
9 9
promotional blurbs/testimonials
53 61
duration/finishing time
17 2
type of show or full name
43 18
Total score:

16 18
27 14
27 9
10 16
20 43
Mäori students in general education (GEd) settings scored statistically significantly higher than students in Mäori immersion (MI) settings.
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