activity uses the computer.
Click the Weather Forecast button.
Imagine your sports team wants to go to Wellington. You are going
to play outdoors for the whole day. You want fine, dry and calm
weather to do this. The weather forecast you will hear tells you
the weather for a week. Listen to the forecast so you can tell me
what day you would choose to go to Wellington. Remember, you want
weather that is fine, dry and calm.
Click the Play button. |
mahi rorohiko tënei.
te pätene Te Tohu Huarere.
Kei te hiahia tö tïma täkaro ki te haere ki Te
Whanganui-a-Tara. Ka täkaro koutou i waho mö te katoa
o tënei rä. Ko te hiahia kia paki te rä, kia maroke,
kia marino hoki. Mä te tohu huarere ka rongo koe ka pëhea
te wiki. Whakarongo ki te Tohu Huarere, ä, körero mai
ko tëhea te rä ka hiahia koe ki te haere ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
Kia maumahara, kia paki, kia maroke, kia marino hoki te rangi.
Päwhiria te pätene Tïmataria.
And now the 5-day forecast
for the Wellington region.
Strong westerlies over the Tararua Ranges with some snow flurries
over 800 metres.
Some light rain with skies clearing later in the day.
Light rain forecast for the morning, with continued drizzle
expected throughout the day, lifting by early evening.
Calm weather with little wind.
Clear, calm weather expected throughout the region. Warm and
sunny in all areas. Temperatures dropping at night-time with
frost in some areas.
Winds rising in the morning. Mostly fine, however, a few cloudy
areas expected night and morning with rain in the east.
Continued wind with driving rain spreading throughout the
region. |
Anei te Huarere mö te
wähanga o raro iho o Te Ika-a-Maui.
Te Mane:
Ko ngä hau kaha o te hauäuru mai i ngä paeroa
o te Tararua, me ëtahi rerenga hukapapa neke atu i
te waru rau mita.Anö te häuaua me te märama
haere o te rangi i muri mai.
Te Türei:
He häuaua i te ata, ä, haere tonu he könehunehu
i te nuinga o te rä, katahi ai ka hiki i te ahiahi.
Ka marino te rangi anä, iti noa te hau.
Te Wenerei:
Ka mahea, ka tau te huarere aupaki ki te rohe. He mahana,
me te whiti o te rä i ngä rohe katoa. Ka heke
iho te pämahana i te ahiahi me te whai hukapapa i ëtahi
Te Täite:
Ka kaha ake ngä hau i te ata. I te nuinga o te wä,
he rä paki, ahakoa he kapua ka kitea i te pö me
te ata, me te paku marangai i te räwhiti.
Te Paraire:
Ka pupuhi tonu te hau, ä, ka hora atu i te rohe katoa.
