Te Tuhituhi - Writing Survey
Te Hauora - Health Survey
Te Mätauranga Korikori - Physical Education Survey


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  Te Hauora – Health Survey
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The students were first asked to select their three favourite school subjects from a list of twelve subjects. The results are shown in the adjacent table. Compared to Mäori students in general education, students in Mäori immersion settings rated mathematics, science and reading substantially higher, and physical education, technology and music substantially lower. Physical education was the top, or top-equal, choice for both groups, while health was lowest for Mäori students in general education and ninth of the twelve subjects for students in Mäori immersion settings.
physical education 68 47
technology 51 29
art 45 47
music 34 18
mathematics 23 38
Mäori 18 15
science 16 38
reading 10 21
speaking 9 6
writing 7 9
social studies 7 9
health 4 12
Preferred health activities
The students were presented with a list of thirteen health activities and asked which they liked doing most at school. They were invited to tick up to three activities. They were also asked to indicate activities that they did not like doing at school, by putting crosses alongside up to three activities. Their responses are shown below.

% responses
food and healthy eating 41 16 26 21
how to keep safe 39 11 3 24
friendships 35 10 24 6
how to care for myself 32 16 56 9
how my body works and how to care for it 32 20 32 15
how to keep healthy 22 21 18 41
families 21 12 24 9
how to care for others 17 17 35 12
how to get on with others 17 18 35 9
my feelings and how to feel good about myself   12 26 6 26 
Compared to Mäori students in general education, students in Mäori immersion settings were dramatically less enthusiastic about “how to keep safe”, and substantially less enthusiastic about “foods and healthy eating”, but substantially more enthusiastic about “how to care for myself”, “how to care for others”, and “how to get on with others”.

Rating items
Responses to the four rating items are presented in the table below. Compared to Mäori students in general education, students in Mäori immersion settings reported more class work that helped them to learn about health, were somewhat less enthusiastic about its value, but were substantially more enthusiastic about continuing to learn or do more health education as they got older.
Te Hauora - Health         Education Rating Items 2002
percentages — Mäori students in general education    Mäori Immersion students
 1.   How much do you like doing health education at school?
27  28
57  59
14  10
2  3
 2.   Do you think learning about health education is useful to you at school and out of school?
61  41
35  47
3  9
1  3
 3.   How do you feel about learning or doing more health education as you get older?
30  56
53  41
15  3
2  0
quite a lot
 4.   How often does your class do things that help you learn about health?
7  16
23  53
66  28
4  3

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