Questions/instructions: He maha ngä kaupapa whakahirahira e puta ana i te ao whänui i tënei wä tonu. |
responses |
1. Körerohia mai ëtahi kaupapa whakahirahira e toru e puta ana i te ao whänui i tënei wä. He kaupapa ënei e puta mai ana i ngä nüpepa, i ngä reo irirangi, i te pouaka whakaata hoki. | ||||||||
First important thing: |
Location/Focus: |
international event |
30 |
national event |
30 |
regional event |
2 |
local event |
9 |
Timing: |
currently (happening at the time of task administration) |
46 |
recently (happened in the 3 months previous to task administration) |
27 |
Activity category: |
natural event (e.g. natural disaster, weather, a whale was saved) |
18 |
social event (e.g. making a movie, visitors to NZ) |
11 |
political event |
27 |
personal event (e.g. winning an award, birthday celebration) |
5 |
sporting |
9 |
economic prices (e.g. oil/petrol prices) |
0 |
important thing: |
international event |
18 |
national event |
32 |
regional event |
2 |
local event |
7 |
currently (happening at the time of task administration) |
34 |
recently (happened in the 3 months previous to task administration) |
23 |
natural event (e.g. natural disaster, weather, a whale was saved) |
7 |
social event (e.g. making a movie, visitors to NZ) |
25 |
political event |
9 |
personal event (e.g. winning an award, birthday celebration) |
9 |
sporting |
9 |
economic prices (e.g. oil/petrol prices) |
2 |
important thing: |
international event |
9 |
national event |
21 |
regional event |
5 |
local event |
5 |
currently (happening at the time of task administration) |
33 |
recently (happened in the 3 months previous to task administration) |
14 |
natural event (e.g. natural disaster, weather, a whale was saved) |
5 |
social event (e.g. making a movie, visitors to NZ) |
7 |
political event |
7 |
personal event (e.g. winning an award, birthday celebration) |
7 |
sporting |
9 |
economic prices (e.g. oil/petrol prices) |
5 |
2. Köwhiria tëtahi o ënei kaupapa, ka körero mai ai i ngä mea katoa o taua kaupapa e möhio nä koe. | ||||||||
much information? |
able to give 3 or more valid points about event |
45 |
able to give 1-2 valid pieces of information |
23 |
Quality of explanation: |
clear |
52 |
muddled |
14 |
not at all |
34 |
Commentary: |
![]() |