:Köwhaiwhai Pattern
Trend Task
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Approach: Station  Level: Year 4 and 8
Focus:   Assessing symmetry
Resources: 4 pattern pieces, glue stick, ruler, red pencil
Questions / instructions:

The letter A has a dotted line through it called a line of symmetry.
One side is exactly the same as the other.

% responses
2005 ('01)
1. Rule one line of symmetry on this pattern:
only one line of symmetry drawn (horizontally)
57 (66)
70 (75)
2. Put four pieces of pattern together so that they fit with the two lines of symmetry.
    Glue them here.
    Pattern put together:
4 pieces, with the two lines of symmetry
39 (47)
61 (69)
4 pieces, with one line of symmetry only
26 (28)
21 (20)
any other response
35 (25)
18 (11)
Total score:    3
24 (33)
45 (56)
30 (33)
29 (25)
29 (23)
17 (16)
17 (11)
8 (3)

Students showed modest success in this task, with moderate growth evident between year 4 and year 8. Students did not perform as well as in 2001 but the difference was small.

Chapter Graphic
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