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Approach:  Station
Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Measuring and calculating lengths and volume  
Jelly packet, ruler, calculator, answer booklet

1. Measure the length, height and width of the real jelly packet. Write your measurements on the picture of the jelly packet.

Jelly Packet
% responses
2009 ('05)
Height: 86 – 90 mm
18 (17) 27 (19)
< 86 mm
61 (63) 59 (72)
> 90 mm
6 (9) 5 (4)
appropriate units given
60 (67) 82 (87)
Width: 28 – 32 mm
43 (53) 76 (82)
< 28 mm
28 (19) 10 (9)
> 32 mm
15 (14) 4 (4)
appropriate units given
62 (66) 82 (86)
Length: 74 – 78 mm
27 (32) 67 (78)
< 74 mm
40 (37) 14 (12)
> 78 mm
18 (18) 8 (5)
appropriate units given 60 (65) 83 (86)
YEAR 8 ONLY:    
2. Work out the volume of the jelly packet. You may use a calculator. Remember to write the unit of measurement.
correct given measurements   27 (31)
appropriate units given 18 (26)
3. This box holds 10 of these packets of jelly. Write the measurements on the box to show how long, high and wide it would be.
Height and width:
same as height/length measurements for one jelly packet
32 (38)
appropriate units given
59 (64)
ten times width given for jelly packet 37 (45)
appropriate units given 62 (66)
4. Work out the volume of this big box.
You may use a calculator. Remember
to write the unit of measurement.
correct given measurements
(or ten times volume listed for first box)
27 (28)

Y4 Total Score:
22 (24)  
19 (24)
24 (24)
35 (28)
Y8 Total Score: 16–20  
15 (16)
23 (29)
28 (28)
21 (17)
0–3 13 (10)
Subgroup Analysis [Click on charts to enlarge] :
Year 4

Year 8

Many students measured to an adjacent cm or half cm measurement, often resulting in choices of 85mm or 8.5cm for height. At both year levels, students scored slightly lower in 2009 than in 2005. Only about one quarter of year 8 students correctly calculated volumes using a calculator. Year 4 girls scored significantly higher than boys – the only task for which this was true.