Chapter Graphic
: Trend Task: Play It
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Approach: One to one Level: 4 & 8 
Focus:   Playing music on keyboard or chime bars 
Resources: Keyboard, chime-bar set, 6 sheets of music

For this activity you can choose to use the keyboard or the chime bars.
Which would you like to use?
Allow student to make the choice.
Before we start the activity you can have a little play around on the keyboard/chime-bars
to get some idea of what it sounds like. You can do that now.
Encourage student to explore the keyboard without being too directive.

% responses
1. To start off our activities, is there a tune or a piece of music you can play, or part of a tune?
If “no” – go to question 3. If “yes” – carry on.
I’d like to hear that, so you have a go at playing it now.
First “own choice” piece:
complex piece, played well (e.g. 2 hands playing)
3 (2)
7 (4)
simple piece, played well
9 (8)
14 (24)
complex piece, played moderately well
3 (4)
8 (8)
simple piece, played moderately well
14 (23)
19 (21)
piece played poorly
23 (14)
13 (13)
no piece played
48 (49)
39 (30)
2. Is there something else you can play?
If “yes”, ask the student to play it.
Second “own choice” piece:
complex piece, played well
(e.g. 2 hands playing)
2 (3) 4 (4)
simple piece, played well
3 (6)
6 (9)
complex piece, played moderately well
2 (0)
3 (2)
simple piece, played moderately well
8 (2)
11 (4)
piece played poorly
9 (9)
7 (10)
no piece played
76 (80)
69 (71)
3. I’m going to show you some short pieces of music for playing on the keyboard or the chime bars.
If you don’t feel that you can play them, that’s okay. You don’t have to play them if you don’t know how to.
This task should be discontinued at the point when the student indicates they cannot play the tunes. Loading Images Loading Images
4. Here is a short tune. If you think you can play some or all of it, you can try now.
It starts on note G – the blue bar (chime bars)
– the key with G written on it (keyboard)
First sight-reading: Notes
correct throughout
14 (14)
37 (41)
mostly correct
4 (3)
4 (4)
half or fewer notes correct
8 (6)
7 (4)
limited attempt
55 (57)
31 (31)
no attempt
19 (20)
21 (20)
First sight-reading: Rhythm/Timing
correct throughout
17 (14)
36 (37)
mostly accurate
14 (14)
16 (14)
50 (52)
27 (29)
no attempt
19 (20)
21 (20)
5. Here is the next tune for you to try. It starts on G.
Second sight-reading: Notes
correct throughout
14 (7)
31 (28)
mostly correct
6 (5)
11 (10)
half or fewer notes correct
5 (13)
12 (11)
limited attempt
55 (52)
21 (32)
no attempt
20 (23)
25 (19)
Second sight-reading: Rhythm/Timing
correct throughout
12 (12)
24 (23)
mostly accurate
16 (17)
27 (30)
52 (48)
24 (28)
no attempt
20 (23)
25 (19)
6. Here is the third tune for you to try. It also starts on G.    
Third sight-reading : Notes
correct throughout
7 (5)
21 (22)
mostly correct
5 (4)
13 (14)
half or fewer notes correct
8 (5)
10 (8)
limited attempt
47 (47)
23 (33)
no attempt
33 (39)
33 (23)
Third sight-reading : Rhythm/Timing
correct throughout
3 (5)
12 (8)
mostly accurate
14 (10)
26 (31)
49 (46)
28 (38)
no attempt
34 (39)
34 (23)
7. Here is the fourth tune.
Fourth sight-reading : Notes
correct throughout
3 (0)
17 (17)
mostly correct
6 (9)
10 (14)
half or fewer notes correct
6 (5)
11 (11)
limited attempt
38 (41)
21 (20)
no attempt
47 (45)
41 (38)
Fourth sight-reading : Rhythm/Timing
correct throughout
1 (0)
9 (9)
mostly accurate
7 (16)
19 (28)
45 (39)
30 (26)
no attempt
47 (45)
42 (37)
8. Here is the fifth tune.
Fifth sight-reading : Notes
correct throughout
3 (2)
11 (12)
mostly correct
4 (4)
14 (16)
half or fewer notes correct
7 (3)
10 (13)
limited attempt
35 (34)
15 (18)
no attempt
51 (57)
50 (41)
Fifth sight-reading : Rhythm/Timing
correct throughout
1 (0)
6 (6)
mostly accurate
6 (8)
19 (29)
42 (35)
25 (24)
no attempt
51 (57)
50 (41)
9. Now try the last tune.
Sixth sight-reading : Notes
correct throughout
1 (2)
6 (1)
mostly correct
5 (2)
16 (28)
half or fewer notes correct
5 (2)
8 (5)
limited attempt
30 (33)
13 (19)
no attempt
59 (61)
57 (47)
Sixth sight-reading : Rhythm/Timing
correct throughout
0 (0)
3 (0)
mostly accurate
4 (4)
13 (18)
37 (35)
27 (35)
no attempt
59 (61)
57 (47)
Total score:        11 – 12
5 (4)
11 (11)
9 – 10
6 (8)
15 (16)
7 – 8
8 (3)
15 (17)
5 – 6
11 (9)
12 (16)
3 – 4
26 (35)
19 (15)
1 – 2
33 (30)
18 (18)
11 (11)
10 (7)
The total score was based on the first “own choice” piece and the first sight-reading piece. Over 40 percent of students at both year levels attempted all six sight-reading pieces, despite about two thirds of the year 4 students making these attempts having very little success in their performances. There was no meaningful change for either year group between 2000 and 2004. About 20 percent more year 8 than year 4 students performed reasonably well (a total score of seven or more).
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