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Approach:  Team
Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Singing  
Audio tracks on laptop computer, 4 word charts

This activity uses the computer.

You are going to hear a song about the . What do you know about keas?

Here are the words to the song.
Hand out word charts.

Follow the words as the song is being sung.
Click the Kea button. The music will start. Song is sung three times.

Now it is your turn to sing along with the video.
Check that the children can locate the chorus on their song charts.

The Kea

One day in the mountains a long time ago,
Some people went tramping where beech trees grow.
They left the door of the hut wide open,
Oh dear! Oh dear!
And along came a kea to see what she could find.

Kea, kea, ripping up the pillows,
Kea, kea, nipping at the food.
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
Yum de dum de dum,
And off went the kea to see what she could find.

Repeat verse and chorus.

Stand up straight so that you sing as well as you can. You will be singing it through three times.
Click the Kea button again to restart the song.
% responses
2008 ('04)
Performance of whole group:
(best performance of a verse and the following chorus)
Coherence of group performance: strong (completely in unison) 6 (19) 13 (16)
moderate 72 (65) 61 (61)
weak 22 (16) 26 (23)
Tunefulness of group performance:
(overall impression)
strong 4 (12) 13 (7)
moderate 41 (40) 36 (39)
weak 55 (48) 51 (54)
Number of students not apparently singing tunefully: none 1 (9) 7 (13)
one 28 (29) 30 (22)
two or more 71 (62) 63 (65)
Rhythmic accuracy of group performance:
(overall impression)
strong 3 (14) 18 (14)
moderate 64 (57) 61 (70)
weak 33 (29) 21 (16)
Vitality/colour of group performance: strong 3 (7) 3 (2)
moderate 55 (43) 44 (33)
weak 42 (50) 53 (65)

Total score:
6–10 8 (22) 20 (20)
4–5 29 (19) 21 (20)
3 16 (14) 18 (15)
2 25 (29) 17 (23)
0–1 22 (16)
24 (22)
This task was more disliked than liked by year 8 students – the only music task viewed that way. Singing in tune was the weakest feature of many performances. Year 4 and year 8 teams performed similarly. There was little change in performance from 2004 to 2008, except a decrease of high scores among year 4 students.