
the two cycles of NEMP testing, teachers’ frequent remarks
about the difficulty many students experience completing certain
tasks revealed an emerging pattern. This was that, irrespective
of subject or skill area, students find it hard to perform well
on tasks that are complex, cognitively challenging or multi-step,
tasks requiring analysis, interpretation and inference, and tasks
requiring the ability to apply knowledge with depth. This report
outlines the first part of a two-phase probe study designed to
confirm and explore this pattern, and to find ways of remedying
it. |
made by teachers in the publication NEMP Forum Comments and other reports
produced during the two NEMP cycles from 1995 to 2002 were analysed to
determine the extent and nature of teachers’ concerns about student
performance on cognitively challenging tasks. In an attempt to make these
cognitive skills explicit, overseas literature was used to inform the
design of a comprehensive cognitive skills framework that will be used
during the second phase of the study.
Teachers’ remarks in the Comments and other reports confirmed
their widespread concern about students’ ability to process
cognitively challenging tasks.
Together, these comments produced a strong consensus observation
that the pattern described above is pervasive.
• The skills framework analysis suggested that while some
cognitive skills are being taught (and tested), other core cognitive
skills are assumed rather than made explicit for students.
• Analysis of overseas literature indicated that teachers’
stated expectation of more depth of learning and application of
cognitive skills is realistic and achievable at both NEMP levels
but only if the skills required and the pedagogy needed to teach
them are made explicit.

literature suggests that a wide range of cognitive skills underpins
‘depth’ of learning at all ages and stages, and that these
skills do not arise by ‘osmosis’. They must be coached
and practised regularly in curricular contexts. NEMP tasks have a
key role to play in helping teachers teach, monitor and test the development
of these skills. Accordingly, the second part of this study will use
the cognitive skills framework to:
re-examine NEMP tasks used in 1997 so as to establish which tasks
at both NEMP levels require which higher order/applied skills; and
ii develop additional tasks, which have embedded
within them appropriate pedagogy, as exemplars to help NEMP task-setters
incorporate these skills in assessment activities, help NEMP markers
assess them, and help teachers teach them.
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Report pending.
Once released, the full report of this probe study will be available on
this website
or will be available from USEE. |