
John Ohia
study presents a critical evaluation of the NEMP Pängarau
(mathematics) assessment tasks written in te reo Mäori for
Year 8 students in Mäori medium schools by a team of Mäori
Pängarau teachers. In particular, it sought to identify difficulties,
and possible solutions to these. The full probe study report contains
suggested revised tasks/resources for teaching and learning Pängarau
in kura kaupapa Mäori. |
evaluation was carried out by two fluent speakers of te reo Mäori
with extensive knowledge and experience in teaching mathematics in
kura kaupapa Mäori and English medium mathematics. These teachers
were responsible for examining the scope, wording and meaning of the
tasks against the achievement objectives of the Pängarau curriculum
document. Four focus areas were addressed in the probe study: (i)
the relationship between the Pängarau curriculum
the NEMP tasks; (ii) the adequacy of
questions translated from English to Mäori; (iii) ensuring that
all aspects of mathematics were included; and (iv) noting any gaps,
with suggestions for improvements. The researchers also checked the
meaning of the te reo Mäori versions of the tasks and referred
to the English versions whenever clarification of either word(s),
phrase(s) or a combination was required. If necessary, they rewrote
the tasks. |
Translations of NEMP tasks from English to te reo Mäori ‘word
for word’ and involving ‘idioms’ are problematic,
as the te reo Mäori version can become difficult to understand
and grammatically incorrect.
• Tasks presented in te reo Mäori need to accord with the
spoken and written language used by the Mäori community and kura
kaupapa Mäori.
Special care needs to be taken to ensure that when translations are
altered, the mathematical concept being tested is not modified.
• All aspects of the Pängarau curriculum were well covered
in the NEMP assessment programme, with the possible exception of traditional
concepts of measurement (e.g., counting, time, length). |

The Pängarau NEMP assessment programme provides a very good model
for assessment and learning of mathematics through the medium of Mäori
language. As such, it has considerable potential as a teaching and
assessment resource for teachers. The study confirmed that translating
NEMP tasks from English into te reo Mäori needs to be done by
teachers who are experienced teachers of mathematics in Mäori
medium schools. Also, further research is needed in the area of traditional
mathematics in the Pängarau curriculum to address problems of
definition, curriculum planning and resource availability. |
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The full report
of this probe study will be available on this website by Jan 2004 or can
be obtained from USEE. |