task required the students to produce a piece of personal writing.
They were asked to plan and write a true story about a place that
was special to them. Following the planning time on Day One and
the spontaneous writing session on Day Two, the children were asked
to check and correct their work on Day 3. It was at this stage
that an understanding of the conventions of writing, such as spelling,
punctuation, sentence structure and overall sense, would be used
to proof and edit their work. It is their use of writing conventions
that is the focus of this study.
scripts (92 year 4 and 79 year 8 students), representing a randomly
selected 25% sample of the original NEMP sample, were analysed.
A framework for coding each script recorded the type of planning
strategy used; the linkage between planning and writing; any evidence
and accuracy of editing and proof reading, particularly for spelling,
punctuation, grammar and making sense; and the completion of the
task in the time available. |