/ instructions:
This activity
is called Statues.
Show example photograph.
The children
in this photograph are using their bodies to make a statue. Have
a good look at the photo, then try to make the same statue. Three
of you can make the statue and one of you can check to make sure
they have made it correctly.
Allow time.
Now you're
going to take turns at telling the others in the group how to
make a statue. One person will have a photo. That person will
tell the others how to make the statue - but they
can't show them or touch them. They need to make the instructions
very clear. Let's begin with [A1 ...... name]. I'll give you a
photo. The others in the team can't see it, so you have to tell
them how to make the statue.
Give photo
1 to A1. Ensure that students are arranged so that they cannot
see the photo being described.
Repeat for students A2, A3, A4.