Chapter Graphic :Non - Fiction Reading Passages
Band 0
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Non - Fiction Band 0
Title: Is It Floating?
Author: Fred & Jeanne Biddulph, (photo.) Dave Watts, Silvestris,
Publisher: Applecross Enterprises Ltd, NZ: 1992.


This book is called Is It Floating?
In it we explore things that float in water and things that sink in water.



Is It Floating?


Here is a ball.
Is it floating?

Yes, the ball is floating.
It is in the water.

Here is a leaf.
Is it floating?

Yes, the leaf is floating.
It is on the water.

Here is a fish.
Is it floating?

Yes, the fish is floating.
It is under the water, but it is floating.

Here is a diver.
Is she floating?

Yes, the diver is floating.
She is under the water, but she is floating.

Here is a boat wreck.
Is it floating?

No, the boat wreck is not floating.
It has sunk to the bottom.

Here is a fishing line and sinker.
Are they floating?

No, the fishing line and sinker are not floating.
They are sinking to the bottom.


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