:Possums and Rabbits
Trend Task
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Approach:  One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Habitats and adaptation 
Resources: 4 pictures


In this activity you will be looking at pictures of two animals and thinking about their similarities and differences.

Show pictures 1 & 2 (possum & rabbit).

This is a picture of a possum and this is a picture of a rabbit. I’m going to ask you some questions about these animals so have a careful look at both pictures.

Allow time.

Now think about where each animal lives and
how it lives.

% responses
2003 ('99)
1. Tell me about where the possum lives.
Where does it make its home?
98 (98)
99 (99)
2. Tell me about where the rabbit lives.
Where does it make its home?

Usual habitat:
41 (43)
47 (35)
underground in holes/burrows/warrens
79 (76)
86 (89)
Give student picture 1: possum.
3. Let’s look at the possum. What is special about this animal that helps it survive and live in its natural surroundings?

Prompt: How does that help it to survive?

Possible features:
[claws for climbing/eating; fur for warmth or camouflage; tail for balance; whiskers for sense of space; large eyes to see in dark; sharp teeth for eating]
2 or more relevant features plus good justification
18 (20)
38 (44)
1 relevant feature plus good justification
23 (30)
25 (17)
2 or more relevant features but no justification
5 (8)
7 (9)
1 feature, not justified
11 (7)
9 (13)
Give student picture 2: rabbit.
4. Let’s look at the rabbit.
What is special about this animal that helps it survive and live in its natural surroundings?

Prompt: How does that help it to survive?

Possible features:
[large feet and claws for digging burrows; large back legs for running fast; large ears to hear danger easily, fur for warmth and camouflage; large eyes to see in dark; big sharp front teeth for cutting/eating grass and leaves]
2 or more relevant features plus good justification
20 (26)
38 (42)
1 relevant feature plus good justification
22 (22)
19 (21)
2 or more relevant features but no justification
7 (9)
9 (9)
1 feature, not justified
7 (9)
9 (5)
Show pictures 3 & 4 (possum feet & rabbit feet).
5. This time look carefully at the animals’ feet.
Why do you think possum and rabbit feet are different?
6. What is special about a possum’s feet that helps it live and survive?    
7. What is special about a rabbit’s feet that helps it live and survive?    
Based on all three questions:    
explains that feet have different functions
(e.g. climbing for possum, digging for rabbit)
58 (55)
81 (73)
Possums’ feet:
[sharp claws for feeding, climbing, defense]

mentions claws and 2–3 functions
12 (15)
23 (22)
mentions claws and 1 function
43 (37)
51 (49)
mentions claws but no function
24 (24)
18 (18)
Rabbits’ feet:
[large back legs for fast travel, defense and burrowing; front feet for holding food, defense and burrowing]

1 or more features with good explanation
33 (31)
52 (48)
1 or more features without useful explanation
30 (36)
30 (31)
Total Score:

8 (8)
23 (24)
22 (21)
33 (27)
26 (31)
26 (28)
31 (31)
15 (20)
13 (9)
3 (1)
Students showed quite good knowledge and analytical skills about the habitats and adaptation of possums and rabbits. About 25 percent more year 8 than year 4 students scored above 12. Overall, there was no discernible change between 1999 and 2003.
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