:Playground Exemplars
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Enlargement of information card about cats.

1. (a) What is the problem?
1. (b) What is causing the problem?

Everyone’s pushing and falling down.
They all want to get to the top before anyone else.

Everyone goes to the playground -
just go on one thing and nowhere else and fight too.

People falling down and hurting themselves.
Fighting over the ladder and pushing
and being unkind.

Everyone’s pushing, shoving,
punching, kicking, fighting.

2. How would you fix the problem?

Tell them to line up, little people up first, so they won’t push people. Climb down and line up.

Call a builder and build more ladders.
Make it out of bounds while building.

Make a bigger playground and bigger ladder
so 10 people can go up at a time.
Make a square ladder like a box so that
all sides can be used.

3. Some very important rules that everyne should obey so that it is safe on the adventure playground.

No pushing or shoving or fighting.
No throwing bark.
Don’t be a bully.
Play fairly.

Each classroom line up at each ladder, in single
file, one goes up at a time, when 1/2 way up
next person starts.
No pushing and shoving or running up to
playground. Be patient.
Don’t push out of line.

4. What coulld happen if the rules are not obeyed?
Some people get badly injured.
Stand outside the door and write 30 lines -
“I will not be silly”
After 3rd time - Sent to principal.
After 4th time - Expelled.
Each classroom line up at each ladder, in single
file, one goes up at a time, when 1/2 way up next
person starts. No pushing and shoving or
running up to playground.

The first time, not allowed on for the rest of the day.
2nd time - 30 mintues time out.
3rd time - 1 hour in time out.
4th time - Time out for the whole day.
5th time - Not allowed on for a week.
They will be suspended for a week if they still don’t obey. That is the last thing. Expelled.
5. What will each person in the group do to help at the accident?

One person is going to stay with the hurt person.
Go and tell the teacher - tell if doing it as well.
Tell the office - in case you can’t find any teachers.

Get the nurse. See if he is breathing.
Get a big kid to help, making sure no-one
kicks him and see if he can talk.
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