
Trend task
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Approach: Team Level: Year 4
Focus: Rules about sharing resources fairly.
Resources: Video recording on laptop computer, 5 question cards, recording book. Movie Icon Movie/Zipped: 13.9MB

We’ll start this activity by watching a short video which shows some children on an adventure playground.
Show the first video clip.

As you saw, there are troubles that need to be sorted out. I’m going to ask your group to work out how to improve things at the adventure playground.
I’m going to ask you some questions. After each question I will leave you to talk about it on your own. Then I will come back and you can tell me what you have decided.
Show question card 1.

% responses
2001 ('97)
1. The first questions for you to talk about are on this card: What is the problem, and what is causing the problem?
I would like you to have a good talk about the questions and agree on what could be the problem.
Withdraw from the group and allow sufficient time for discussion (typically a couple of minutes) before rejoining to record responses.
You have talked about the questions. Now I want you to tell me your ideas and I’ll write them down on this chart.
not taking turns
36 (40)
battling over access to equipment
82 (80)
risk of injury
9 (20)
risk of fighting
27 (30)
Overall rating:          strong
7 (10)
60 (57)
33 (33)
Write down students’ ideas, then show question card 2.
2. Now let’s look at the second question card: How could you fix the problem? Talk about this in your group, then I will write down your ideas.
Withdraw from the group and allow sufficient time for discussion before rejoining to record responses.
You have talked about the question. Now I want you to tell me your ideasand I’ll write them down on the chart.

44 (47)
3 (3)
student monitors/supervision
7 (0)
adult supervision
24 (30)
Overall rating:            strong
0 (0)
40 (50)
60 (50)
Write down students’ ideas, then show question card 3.
3. This time you are asked to make up some really important rules that everyone should obey. Rules that will help to stop the problem on the adventure playground and make it a safe place for playing.
Withdraw from the group and allow sufficient time for discussion before rejoining to record responses.
Now I’ll write down the rules you have decided. After I’ve written them down you can check them and make any changes you want.

lining up
35 (33)
taking turns
50 (50)
not interfering with other children on the equipment
54 (70)
Overall rating:         strong
9 (20)
53 (43)
38 (37)
Write down the group’s rules and give them the opportunity to make any final changes. Then show question card 4.  
4. To finish off this part of the activitiy, I want your group to talk about what could happen if people do not follow your rules. I’ll leave your rules here for you to see.
Withdraw from the group and allow sufficient time for discussion before rejoining to record responses.
Tell me now what you think could happen if people do not follow your rules and I’ll write down what you say.
Record responses.
8 (7)
67 (73)
7 (3)
64 (53)
Overall rating:         strong
3 (3)
50 (40)
47 (57)

Now we’ll look at the second part of the video. Show the second video clip.

5. An accident has happened, and nobody is doing anything about it. Imagine that you four people were there when the accident happened. I want you to talk about what you could do. I want you to say what each person in your group would do, because you might have different responsibilities.
Talk about that now, then I will come back and you can tell me what you have decided.
Withdraw from the group and allow sufficient time for discussion before rejoining to record responses.
Now tell me what each of you would do. I’ll write down your first names, and I want you to tell me what I should write beside each person’s name.
Record responses.
one student going for adult help
96 (93)
2nd student going for adult help but in different direction
52 (50)
student calling 111
46 (50)
student staying to monitor/comfort injured student
53 (33)
covering injured student for warmth
1 (3)
trying to treat or revive injured student
14 (43)
moving injured student
[37 (30)]
Overall rating: strong
13 (17)
62 (60)
25 (23)
Total score:
(based on questions 1–4) 5–8
8 (13)
38 (37)
27 (37)
27 (13)
Most of the year 4 teams identified the visible problem but were less aware of the associated risks. The most frequently suggested solutions were rules and adult supervision. The 2001 students scored slightly lower than their 1997 counterparts.
Chapter Graphic
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