:We Need A Leader
Trend task
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Approach: One to one Level: Year 4 and year 8 
Focus: Leadership needs and approaches
Resources: Video recording on laptop computer

This activity uses the computer.
In this activity you will be talking about what makes a person a good leader.
Let’s watch a short video first.
Click the We Need a Leader button.
The video will start.

video script:

[general comments from several children.]
– This is stupid.
– Come on you guys.
– We need teams.
– I can’t be bothered.
– Let’s go and play another game.
– We need a leader.

% responses
2005 (01)
The video showed a group of children who felt they needed a leader.
1. Why do they need a leader?
2. What could a leader do to help the group?
Responses included:
pick teams
13 (4)
17 (18)
tell them what to do
(other than team selection)
68 (74)
74 (67)
help organise them into teams
14 (15)
31 (43)
help them decide what to do once teams are formed
15 (11)
20 (24)
help ensure fair play (rules followed, balanced teams)
22 (18)
22 (20)
help resolve arguments, conflicts
30 (27)
31 (21)
3. What sort of person would the leader need to be? Try and describe the things that would make the person a good leader.
Person specification included:
well respected/trusted/liked
33 (20)
60 (51)
fair with everyone
26 (19)
36 (34)
53 (44)
49 (34)
helps make the activity fun
5 (3)
5 (6)
gives good clear instructions
5 (1)
11 (12)
good at resolving conflicts
6 (3)
7 (1)
willing to listen carefully to ideas/complaints
8 (4)
19 (15)
knowledgeable about the game
15 (27)
13 (21)
good at the game him/herself
6 (24)
8 (11)
2 (1)
5 (2)
Overall rating:
excellent/very good
2 (0)
3 (3)
10 (2)
31 (23)
48 (50)
50 (49)
40 (48)
16 (25)
Total score:
2 (0)
3 (6)
4 (1)
10 (7)
15 (10)
31 (18)
35 (37)
36 (39)
33 (46)
18 (22)
11 (6)
2 (8)
Responses of year 4 and year 8 students were quite similar except that year 8 students placed greater emphasis on the role of leaders in forming teams and on the importance of leaders being trusted. About 20 percent more year 8 than year 4 students gave responses judged to be “good” or better. There were small increases in total score between 2001 and 2005 for both year 4 and year 8 students.
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