Water Only Kids
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Approach:  One to one
Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Rules  
Video recording on laptop computer

This activity uses the computer.
Let’s watch a news clip. It shows a school that has banned all drinks except water.
Click the Water Only Kids button.
[TV news item; various scenes within the school]

News Reader: Kids and water… at Oranga Primary School it’s proving to be a great combination. Classrooms here have become water-only areas and, for pupils, no other drinks are allowed. The teachers came up with the idea to improve the children’s health and promote learning.
Principal: We’ve had visitors to the school who have commented on how calm it is around the school and we can attribute some of that to the fact that children are not drinking so many sugary drinks during the day. And, definitely for learning, we think it’s a great idea.
News Reader: If the children do bring other drinks to school, they are given to teachers who return them at the end of the day as the children go home but most of the pupils support the water-only rule.
Girl 1: If people drink juice sometimes people can get on highs and then it starts problems but water doesn’t.
Boy 1: It should be a water-only school because it refreshens your mind for learning and water’s really good for you. Also because it’s got fluoride in it.
Boy 2: I don’t think it’s a fair rule. Fruit juice isn’t so bad. It has Vitamin C in it and that’s good for you. Milk drinks are good too. They are full of calcium, which makes your bones strong.
Boy 3: It’s not fair. The teachers are always drinking tea and coffee, so why should we be stuck with just water?
% responses
2009 ('05)
1. Try to give some good reasons why schools have rules that everyone has to follow, like no skateboards at school.
keep children/people safe at school
71 (70) 68 (75)
to help students learn better
11 (16) 19 (16)
make schools a better/happier place to be (fair, efficient, tidier, cleaner) 11 (23) 27 (37)
to control students who might otherwise cause trouble 20 (27) 26 (42)
Some children and adults don’t agree that schools should make rules like everyone only being allowed to drink water and not drinks like fruit juice or coke.    
2. Do you think schools should be able to make rules like this?    
  yes and no 12 (13) 13 (16)
yes 64 (59) 67 (69)
no 24 (28) 20 (15)
3. What are your reasons for saying that?    
Quality of reasoning:    
substantial, well-expressed general argument supporting view in question 2
2 (4) 4 (2)
substantial, well expressed argument specifically about “water only” rule 13 (17) 20 (39)
limited argument 59 (60) 63 (52)
very limited or no argument
26 (19) 13 (7)
4. Do you think schools could get by without having any rules at all?
  yes and no 3 (5) 2 (1)
13 (8) 6 (2)
85 (87) 92 (97)
5. What are your reasons for saying that?
Quality of reasoning:
substantial, well-expressed argument
8 (18) 16 (25)
limited argument
61 (62) 65 (69)
very limited or no argument
31 (20) 19 (6)

Total score:
1 (3) 2 (6)
8 (18) 20 (35)
21 (24) 25 (22)
30 (29) 31 (25)
22 (15)
14 (9)
0–1 18 (11) 8 (3)
Subgroup Analysis [Click on charts to enlarge] :
Year 4

Year 8

Year 4 and 8 students were very similar in their understanding of why schools need rules that everyone has to follow, although the quality of the reasoning was stronger for year 8 students. There has been no meaningful change since 2005. Boys and girls responded similarly.