Spud Grub
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Approach:  Team
Level: Year 4 and year 8
Focus: Conserving resources and problem solving  
Video recording on laptop computer, photo [substitute image shown], team answer sheet

This activity uses the computer.
This activity is about a serious problem for New Zealand. We’ll start by watching a video.
Click the Spud Grub button.
[Still shot only of spud grub.]
Imagine that the spud grub is in the area where you live. Your team has been asked to think through the problem. To help, you will have a worksheet for writing down your ideas. Before you write them down, you will need to talk about things together, then write down what you all agree with.

Here is the team answer sheet and these are the things
you need to decide. [Answer sheet shows questions 1 and 2, as below, with spaces for three problems.]
Give students the photo [same as video above], team answer sheet, and read through each of the headings:
1. What are the problems?
2. What could be done about each problem?
When you have finished, I’ll ask you to tell me about
what you have decided.
Allow time.
Now it is time for you to tell me about what you have decided. If you think of any further ideas, I’ll write them down on your team answer sheet.

A new grub has arrived in New Zealand. It has been called the “Spud Grub” because it kills potato and kumara plants.
This grub breeds very, very quickly. In a short time there could be thousands and thousands of them. Just now, the grub is only in one part of New Zealand, but it could soon spread over the whole country.
The government wants to spray the part of New Zealand where the grub has been found. The spray kills the grub. The trouble is, it also causes cats and dogs to get very sick for about a month, but it doesn’t kill them.
The spray costs a lot of money, so the government says the people in the area with the spud grub should pay for it. The people are NOT happy about that.
The people in the area are really upset about the idea of spraying. People in other parts of New Zealand are telling the government to get on with it – and the sooner the better.
% responses
2009 ('05)
Problem 1:      
grubs breed very quickly/are likely to spread around New Zealand quickly 0 (0) 0 (2)
grubs kill potato and kumara plants 22 (25) 19 (22)
spray that kills grubs costs a lot 1 (2) 7 (5)
government does not want to pay for the spray 2 (8) 7 (10)
spray makes dogs and cats very sick 39 (32) 43 (36)
people worry about effects of spraying 18 (17) 14 (12)
Problem described: very clearly 39 (45) 43 (49)
  moderately clearly 43 (40) 49 (39)
Likelihood that the suggested solution could be implemented and effective:    
  high chance of good result 25 (25) 48 (37)
  moderate chance of good result 33 (43) 38 (46)
Suggested solution was creative: yes 31 (43) 32 (20)
  no 69 (57) 68 (80)
Problem 2:     
 grubs breed very quickly/are likely to spread around New Zealand quickly   1 (0) 3 (0)
 grubs kill potato and kumara plants 32 (23)   35 (51)
 spray that kills grubs costs a lot 7 (3) 6 (10) 
 government does not want to pay for the spray   15 (18) 15 (19)
 spray makes dogs and cats very sick   12 (17) 14 (7)
 people worry about effects of spraying   13 (17) 13 (5)
Problem described:   very clearly   32 (35) 44 (48)
  moderately clearly 45 (47) 47 (48)
Likelihood that the suggested solution could be implemented and effective:    
high chance of good result 23 (17) 30 (20)
moderate chance of good result 40 (40) 49 (56)
Suggested solution was creative: yes 39 (43) 51 (31)
  no 61 (57) 49 (69)
Problem 3:    
grubs breed very quickly/are likely to spread around New Zealand quickly 3 (3) 3 (0)
grubs kill potato and kumara plants 17 (15) 25 (14)
spray that kills grubs costs a lot 6 (7) 14 (12)
government does not want to pay for the spray 18 (18) 14 (20)
spray makes dogs and cats very sick 10 (10) 14 (9)
people worry about effects of spraying 19 (23) 18 (24)
Problem described: very clearly 29 (28) 46 (44)
  moderately clearly 43 (50) 46 (39)
Likelihood that the suggested solution could be implemented and effective:    
  high chance of good result 15 (10) 32 (17)
  moderate chance of good result 33 (48) 39 (47)
Suggested solution was creative: yes 27 (33) 52 (31)
  no 73 (67) 48 (69)

Total score:
12 (15) 33 (19)
24 (15) 23 (22)
18 (37) 22 (21)
14 (13) 14 (31)
0–4 32 (20) 9 (7)
Year 4 and year 8 students were similar in their identification of the problems associated with the “spud grub”, but year 8 students were better able to clearly describe multiple problems, and come up with solutions that were effective and/or creative. Year 4 students performed similarly in 2005 and 2009, but performance increased over this time period for year 8 students.