Questions/instructions: Imagine that your team is going to set up a pizza factory in your school to help raise funds for a school trip. You would be selling it to the children and teachers in your school. Before you start to make pizzas, you need to have good information. You need to know about the kind of pizza people might want to buy, and the best way to sell it. You would need to get your information from the people who might buy the pizza, so you will need to think of questions to ask them. To start off, each person in your team will do some thinking on your own. On your own, make up a list of the things that you think might make people want to buy it. See how many things you can think of. I’ll give you each a piece of paper to write your list of things on. You can have two or three minutes to do this. Give each student an answer sheet and supervise independent work. You’ve each had a chance to think about things that might make people want to buy the pizza you will make at your factory. It would be a good idea to make up a list of questions, or a survey, so that you can get information from quite a few people; information that would help you to decide what kind of pizza to make, and how you would sell it. It’s time to work as a team now. First, each person is to tell the others the things they thought of that might cause people to want to buy your pizza. Students read out individual answer sheets. Now your team is to make up a set of questions, or a survey, that you will use to find out information that will help you decide what kind of pizza to make, and how you would sell it. You can plan and write your questions on the paper, and you can have about 10 minutes to make up your survey. After that you can try out your survey on me, and ask me your questions. Let me know when you are finished. Give out team answer sheet. Allow up to 10 minutes. Now you can try out your survey by asking me your questions. I’ll tell you what my answers would be. |
responses 2008 ('04) |
y4 |
y8 |
Issues addressed about usual
customer behaviour: |
enjoyment of pizza/frequency or
volume of pizza consumption |
13 (17) |
27 (30) |
eating in restaurant vs eating elsewhere |
7 (12) |
5 (18) |
if eating out, pick up vs delivery |
17 (20) |
14 (28) |
Issues addressed about
type of product: |
size preferences (and whole vs slices) |
34 (33) |
49 (52) |
type of base preferences |
28 (20) |
38 (38) |
topping preferences |
92 (90) |
92 (95) |
ready to eat vs ready to cook |
8 (13) |
8 (12) |
presentation preferences (packaging, pre-cutting, etc.) |
11 (5) |
19 (22) |
side order preferences (drinks, fries, etc.) |
29 (38) |
32 (32) |
Issues addressed about sales and advertising: | preference for source
[commercial vs community]
(e.g. fundraising) |
3 (3) |
3 (7) |
day of week/time of day preferences |
3 (8) |
12 (22) |
desired wait time (for cooking/delivery) |
8 (7) |
7 (3) |
liking for special deals/packages (e.g. cheaper for two, drinks included) |
29 (42) |
35 (40) |
best advertising options to
attract your attention |
15 (20) |
24 (32) |
price |
31 (40) |
71 (76) |
Extent to which responses fit survey task: | high |
0 (2) |
5 (13) |
moderate |
19 (35) |
43 (30) |
low |
81 (63) |
52 (57) |
score: |
8–17 |
1 (7) |
11 (19) |
6–7 |
11 (18) |
28 (29) |
4–5 |
32 (27) |
33 (36) |
2–3 |
45 (42) |
27 (14) |
0–1 |
12 (7) |
2 (3) |
Commentary: |
Students had difficulty in developing ideas for a survey on how to sell pizzas to students in their schools. This can be seen particularly for year 4 students, where their overall response was rated as “low” 81% of the time. Year 8 students fared better, but still did not do well. There was a drop off in performance for both years from 2004.