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My Place / Exemplars
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navy blue water sparkling in the dying mango coloured sunlight, the quite smooth
crashing sound of the shore braking waves. The scenery is magnificent, something
you would only find at my favourite place which if you haven't already figured
out is the beach. My favourite place is the beach because it's somewhere that
is still 100% natural, and unpredictable, the best time to be at the beach, I
think, is just before the sun sets, because the view is spectacular, the half
sun, setting across the shiny blue ocean is something short of a miracle, and
to be out surfing with that vertually right beside you is awsome. Another reason
I like the beach so much is because it has waves that you can surf. IF you have
never tryed surfing before at nightime when it is dark it is a real rush and is
something you have to try because it is something you will never forgett, just
the feeling of movement in pitch black darkness is undiscribable. Because you
can't control yourself in the dark you have to put you trust into the massive
tons of water that is powering you, hoping that it will be forgiving and not lead
you directly into a reef or into a dangerous rip. The perfect wave is out there somewhere and the best place to go looking for it usually is on top of a reef, because when the swell goes from deep to shallow really quickly it causes the wave to brake which if added with the right wind creates a perfect wave, the barrel in a decint wave is a 2 feet wide and the drop isn't that steep. Surfing at the beach is really magnificent but its something that would differ from person to person but the beach to me is something that would be dicribed as a piece of artwork and to me the beach shouldn't be taken for granted, but looked after, because if we don't it woait be around for much longer. In conclusion the beach is my special place because its special to me in a way that would be unexsplainable except in my own mind. (year 8) |
My place is my Marae because it is
very special and I belong to it. It is called Turangawaewae and it is in Ngaruawahia
(just out side of Hamilton.) One of the reasons it is special to me is because
the Mäori queen stays there some times. She has a house there and its pretty flash
on the outside; I have never actually been in it. The marae is a place were people
have Tangi and hold birthdays. It is a people sort of place. when I go up to stay
with my Nan I some times go down to the Marae or to the bank of the Waikato river.
Every year (I think, I'm not sure) but the Iwi holds a regatta in which people
race boats and waka on the Waikato river and people have fun. |
My house is made of brick. There are flowers beside it. There are recycle bin near the flowers. Inside my house, there are rugs all over the ground except for kitchen. You walk straight and you could see my dad's room, my room and the computer room. Beside the computer room there are the bath room and the toilet. Then you walk left and there's the hall. Then you can see our kitchen. In the garden, there are apple tree some rose and a lemon tree. There is a chair and a table out there. I usually read books and do homework there. In my house there is a keyboard. (year 4) |
SPECIAL PLACE! I don't think I can really call it my place, because it doesn't belong to me. It doesn't belong to anyone. It's just there. It's a little apple orchard with only about 3 trees, and the apples that grow there are the most delicious apples you can find. To anyone else, it wouldn't come across as being special in any way. It's quite plain really. It's the way it makes me feel when I'm there that makes it special. It's so quiet I can almost hear myself thinking. I go there when I just need some time to myself. I'm not about to tell you what I think about when I'm there, but I can tell you how I feel. I feel content, like I'm the happiest person in the world, and no one can take that away from me because it's mine. Do you ever get the feeling that when you're around other people, even your closest friends, that you're playing a part that has been given to you, and not always being yourself around them? I know I do. And how people have these high expectations of you. I know I'm expected to get into the Canterbury team again next year, and to get 100% in my shooting in each game simply because I've done it before. Well, I don't have to worry about that when I'm in my apple orchard. I don't feel I need to be anyone but me when I'm there. And I know that apples can't talk or anything, but boy do the make good listeners. Except I'm not saying it. I'm thinking it. Strange as it may sound, I feel as though they understand me, and except me for who and what I am. Not who I could and should be. I myself find it quite strange that my favourite place isn't Fiji or Australia, but I haven't spent enough time there to find a special place, or to find a place that compares to my apple orchard. I may never find one as special as that, and the sad thing is that we'll be moving away from it in about a month! One thing that surprises me, is that I don't ever get bored there. It's not an interesting place, it's quite the opposite, but it's my place that's not mine. If that makes any sense. And you know what they say, ' you can take the girl out of the orchard, but you can't take the orchard out of the girl'!!! The apple orchard will always be with me no matter where I am. In 30 years time when I pick up an apple, I'll probably remember all those long hours I spent there. (year 8) |
MY PLACE. My most special place is my home. I like my home very much because its where I live and hang around the most. I like it because theres big space's of where we can play. It's good because you cant build much when you live in town and its all very stuffy and you cant do much, where as if you look at where we live we can do anything or build anything we want to. I like it in summer because when our cousin's come around we can stay up for ages playing games in the dark because you cant really do that in town. It's also quite big so we can have heaps of people stay over which is good. Plus theres neighbours that are relations. So you can do things without a hassel. But in winter its good because we have got heaps of trees so we can use them for firewood. But what I like about it is that i've got heaps of Photo's of me hanging on the wall from when my nan used to live there because I was her favourite granchild. Well thats really all I have to say. about my special place. (year 8) |
My place I like my house it has a short drive way, a two car garage one car outside. My house is creamy white, it has a brown roof. It is tall and long. We have three cars. Out the back there is a big tree and some garden, we have short grass as well. We have a conservatory if you go thought the conservatory your will come outside there is a little bit of concrete the concrete is in little squares on the concrete there is a picnic table. Futher out there is a tramp our tramp has pads A few weeks ago my dad made a decking out side near the lounge he is going to put a door coming out of the window so you can go on the decking through the lounge and one more door near the living room. Some times in the day we get no sun but when we do it shines on my room and my sisters stacey. On the tree there is always birds on it. there is about 25 each day. My cat tries to get the birds. We also have a garden sed we have all of our bikes, spades, hamers and sports gear in there plus plant gear and slug killer and weed killer. We have a basketball hoop on the garden sed side and one basketball hoop inside and another hoop outside. (year 4) |
WAIMARAMA Waimarama is the best place for me because it's where I believe where I am from. I have a lot of cousins who live there. My grand parents were buried there. Their names are Pat and Edgar Gillies. They were buried together because they wanted to be. There is a street called Gillies Cres which was named after my family. We have a lot of land in Waimarama. I use to live right next to the beach so, when it was the school holiday's I spent it at the beach. I love swimming in Waimarama. There is a little island there called Motu o kura. It was named after a young woman who, swam from the shore to the island. Some people call the island Bare island because on one side there is nothing there but, on the other there is seals, trees and grass. One day my uncles and I went went on the island to go diving. It was really scary because we have two great big sting rays who look after the seafood and the island. When ever people go out diving they will always be watched by the sting rays. If you take more seafood than what you're supposed to you will get attacked. Some people think that it's a fair tale but it isn't. In Waimarama my best friend Jodene has a horse track for tourists' to ride on. It's very long, awesome and neat. I love it so much. Waimarama is in Hawkes Bay. It's near Havelock North. During the summer heaps of people come to Waimarama to surf. One day I am going to live back in Waimarama. This is the reason why I like this place. Waimarama is only a small place. There is heaps of beautiful houses. We only have one dairy there, and a liqueur store. We also have a fish and chip shop. (year 8) |
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