:How to Get to Ani's Place
Trend task
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Approach: Station Level: Year 4 and year 8 
access task
Focus: Writing instructions


The map shows the town where Ani lives.
[Click on map to enlarge.]

Write directions for getting from the bus stop to Ani’s house.

% responses
2006 ('02)

gave clear directions for correct route on Apple Ave from bus stop

35 (33)
68 (62)
direction clearly indicated arrival at a particular corner
(either corner of Apple Ave and School Rd or corner of Apple Ave and Gray St)
32 (19)
62 (58)
Directions from the particular corner given:
accurate and efficient
11 (13)
42 (33)
accurate but not optimal
12 (7)
23 (27)
ambiguous, but some interpretation(s) would work
34 (33)
23 (24)
43 (47)
12 (16)
directions make clear where Ani’s house is
(e.g. corner of Barr St and Browns Rd, end of Barr St)
12 (9)
44 (44)
Directions included:

street names
68 (66)
92 (90)
turns (e.g. left/right)
54 (41)
64 (62)
compass directions (N, S, E, W)
20 (31)
42 (38)
particular landmarks (other than street names)
23 (17)
30 (20)

Directions included elements likely to produce confidence when followed:

yes, to a high degree
5 (4)
41 (38)
yes, to a moderate extent
31 (20)
37 (42)
64 (76)
22 (20)
Total score:
4 (7)
34 (34)
14 (4)
27 (17)
16 (15)
16 (28)
35 (37)
14 (11)
31 (37)
9 (10)
Subgroup Analysis:
Year 4

Year 8

In general, year 8 students performed much better than year 4 students on this task. There was little change between 2002 and 2006 at either year level. Boys and girls performed comparably at both year levels, as did year 8 Pakeha and Mäori students.
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