:Hot Chips
Trend Task
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Approach: Station  Level: Year 8
Focus: Choosing arguements for a purpose
Resources: Computer program on laptop computer

Questions / instructions:

This activity uses the computer. Click on the button that says
Hot Chips
. The computer will tell you what to do.

I really want a PlayStation 2. My mum loves movies and music,
and she uses the internet a lot. But she does not like games.

Read Hot Chips.
Some paragraphs might help Mum to think it would be good to get
a PlayStation 2. Click on the paragraphs that would be good.

[Click on images right to enlarge.]
hot chips1
Student read all paragraphs.
hot chips 2
Student clicked on paragraphs that would contribute to a persuasive arguement and those paragraphs were highlighted. Student was given the opportunity to change their choices.
hot chips 3
Once the student's choices were confirmed all unselected paragraphs disappeared from screen.
% responses
2005 ('01)
1. Use the information you have chosen to write one sentence that might help mum want to get a PlayStation 2.
wrote just one sentence
74 (80)
Use of material provided:

combined arguments/material from two or more of the paragraphs
63 (57)
combined arguments/material from two or more of the paragraphs but included material not from chosen paragraphs
17 (18)
no or maybe
20 (25)
wrote persuasive argument
81 (79)
Argument to persuade Mum:
very appropriate
30 (38)
moderately appropriate
62 (52)
not appropriate
8 (10)
used own words/paraphrases
80 (82)
Total score:
16 (17)
32 (37)
22 (17)
11 (5)
9 (11)
10 (13)

Paragraphs 3, 4 and 7 were the most frequently chosen (60 percent or more of the students), with paragraph 1 not far behind. Paragraphs 2, 5 and 6 were rarely chosen (less than 10 percent of the students). About half of the students followed the instructions well and wrote quite a strong argument. There was little change between 2001 and 2005.

Chapter Graphic
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