In 2008, the Forum Comment,
was relaunched as the Focus
reflecting the closer comment from
NEMP and the panel of educators. |
Main Index for Focus / Forum
to Focus / Forum
Whakaputanga Whakaaro –
Introduction for Mäori
Medium forums
Forums by year of assessment |
Graphs, Tables & Maps
Aspects of Technology
Reading & Speaking |
Social Studies
Mathematics |
& Viewing
Health & Phys. Ed.
Writing |
Forums for Mäori Medium |
Graphs, Tables & Maps
Aspects of Technology
Reading & Speaking |
Social Studies
Mathematics |
& Viewing
Health & Phys. Ed.
Writing |
The National Education Monitoring Project (NEMP) is part
of Government strategy to provide quality information about
the achievements of New Zealand’s children. The information
provided by NEMP makes a valuable contribution to the evaluation
and improvement of teaching and learning.
NEMP monitors student achievement at two key levels, year
4 and year 8, in all of the essential learning areas. Its
reports aim to reflect the richness, scope and comprehensiveness
of curriculum by giving a detailed, task by task picture
of what students know and can do.
The fourth four-year cycle of national monitoring started in 2007. Results from this fourth cycle allow comparisons with performances in the previous cycle of assessments.
Each year, the reports are considered by a national forum
of teachers, subject specialists, representatives of
national organizations and government agencies. Their
comments highlight what students are generally doing
well, and those areas where improvements are desirable.
In turn, individual schools and teachers benefit from
examining the NEMP results and considering the forum's
comments as they apply the findings to their own students.
year, from 1999 to 2005, at year 8 level only, a special sample
of children leaning in Mäori immersion schools or
classes was selected. Their achievement was then compared
with the achievement of Mäori students in the main
year 8 sample, predominantly in English. These comparisons
are covered in a seperate report each of those years, "Achievement
of Mäori Students" and were considered by an invited
forum of Mäori educators who had been associated
with the Project. Their reponses are reported in "He
Whakaputanga Whakaaro" and can be accessed via the
Forum Index link, above right.
presenting the reports we emphasise the following points:
The function of national monitoring
is to find out
and report on the achievements of a representative
sample of New Zealand school students. This project
provides a national picture and does not report
on the performances of individual students, teachers
or schools. |
The purpose of national monitoring reports is to describe
what New Zealand students know and can do.
The Focus then gives an overview of what we learned and what panels of leading New Zealand educators think the implications are. It is the role of schools, communities
and others with an interest in students’
educational achievements to further debate the implications. |
National monitoring reports aim to reflect the richness,
scope and comprehensiveness of the curriculum.
The detailed description of student performance
on a task by task basis is consistent with this
aim. The reports do not present a summary mark
for each learning area because that would give
a very inadequate picture of student achievement. |
help of principals, teachers and Boards of Trustees in
making NEMP reports and the resulting Focus widely
known is encouraged and appreciated
for principals and curriculum leaders |
Inform staff,
board members and your school community of the
arrival of the reports and encourage them to ‘have
a look.’ |
Consider the
relevance of the forum’s comments to your
own school’s priorities, practices and programmes. |
Suggest to
the board chair that some trustees might like to
preview the reports and lead discussions at a board
meeting. |
Read the
summaries at the beginning of each report to get
a quick introduction to key findings. |
Arrange individual
staff members to preview the reports and tell others
at a staff meeting about some of the results. |
Encourage teachers
to try some of the tasks with their classes and
consider the performance of their children in relation
to the national sample. |
the survey questionnaires to find out more
about your students’
curricular interests and involvements. |
Each year, since 2001,
the NEMP reports identify a number of
tasks which are made available to schools
from December of the research year. Click the
Access Task icon, to the left, for further
information. |