In 2008, the Forum Comment,
was relaunched as the Focus
reflecting the closer comment from
NEMP and the panel of educators. |
Main Index for Focus / Forum
to Focus / Forum
Whakaputanga Whakaaro –
Introduction for Mäori
Medium forums
Forums by year of assessment |
Graphs, Tables & Maps
Aspects of Technology
Reading & Speaking |
Social Studies
Mathematics |
& Viewing
Health & Phys. Ed.
Writing |
Forums for Mäori Medium |
Graphs, Tables & Maps
Aspects of Technology
Reading & Speaking |
Social Studies
Mathematics |
& Viewing
Health & Phys. Ed.
Writing |

Te Kaupapa Aroturuki Mätauranga ä-Motu
(NEMP) tëtahi wähanga o te rautaki a te
Käwanatanga e märama ai tätou ki te
ekenga paetae a te hunga tamariki o Aotearoa. Ko
ngä möhiohio ka puta i tënei kaupapa
he äwhina nui ki te arotake, ki te whakapakari
hoki i te mahi ako i roto i ö tätou kura.
E haere tahi ana te aromatawai i tëtahi hunga äkonga
tau 8 o roto i ngä kura reo Mäori, me te kaupapa
aromatawai whänui a NEMP. Ko te whäinga matua
o te aroturuki ä-motu, kia äta möhiotia
ai he aha ngä mahi e taea ana e ä tätou
tamariki. He matatini ngä ngohe aromatawai, arä,
he rerekë te ähua, te huarahi tuku, me te taumata
o ngä ngohe, ä, e arotahi ana ki te whänui
o ngä pükenga me te mätauranga.
Kei roto i te pürongo a NEMP Ngä Hua Aromatawai
a ngä
Äkonga Mäori ngä hua i puta ki ngä äkonga
Mäori tau 8 o roto i ngä kura reo Mäori,
o roto hoki i ngä kura reo Päkehä. Ia
tau, ka äta tirotirohia, ka wänangahia te pürongo
e tëtahi kähui kaiako kaupapa Mäori e
hono ana ki a NEMP. Ia tau, ka tuhia ki te puka e kïia
nei "Whakaputanga Whakaaro", te whakaräpopoto
o ngä körero a tënei röpü
mö te pürongo o taua tau.
whakapuaki whakaaro mä te hunga tumuaki
me ngä
kaihautü marautanga
tae mai ngä pürongo a NEMP, me whakamöhio
atu ngä kaiako, ngä tängata
o te pöari, me te hapori whänui, ka whakahau
ai kia tirohia e rätou. |
Whakamahia ngä pätaitai
kia möhiotia ai ngä whakaaro o ngä tamariki
o töu kura e pä ana ki te marautanga
me ä rätou mahi kura. |
whakatenatena ngä kaiako kia whakamahia ëtahi
o ngä ngohe aromatawai, ä, ka whakatairite
i te mahi a ä rätou tamariki ki ngä hua
i puta ki te tïpako ä-motu. |
whakaarohia te hängai o ngä körero
i roto i te pürongo ki ngä kaupapa,
ngä akoranga me te titiro whakamau a töu
ake kura. |
NOTE RE TRANSLATION: Translations for each
'He Whakaputanga Whakaaro' and report are
historic, reflecting the translation as at
the time of printing. Variations in translation
in the body text may therefore occur from
one year to the next. Headings however, have
been standardised and reflect current translations if
they appear consistently through each 'He
Whakaputanga Whakaaro'. |
National Education Monitoring Project (NEMP) is part
of Government strategy to provide quality information
about the achievements of New Zealand’s children.
The information provided by NEMP makes a valuable contribution
to the evaluation and improvement of teaching and learning.
In conjunction with the assessment programme in general
education, NEMP assesses a national sample of year 8 students
in Mäori medium education. National monitoring focuses
on what students know and can do. The tasks use a wide
variety of formats and approaches. They are at various
levels of complexity and cover a range of important skills.
The results for year 8 Mäori students in immersion
education along with the results for year 8 Mäori
students in general education are given in the NEMP report,
Assessment Results for Mäori Students. Each year,
the report is considered by an invited forum of Mäori
educators who have been associated with the Project. Their
response to each report is given in the Forum Comment for
that year.
for principals and curriculum leaders
Inform staff,
board members and your school community of the
arrival of the reports and encourage them to ‘have
a look.’ |
Use the
survey questionnaires to find out more about your
students’ curricular interests and involvements. |
Encourage teachers
to try some of the tasks with their classes and
consider the performance of their children
in relation to the national sample. |
Consider the
relevance of the forum’s comments to your
own school’s priorities, practices and programmes. |